Special Action for Style Construction
Shaanxi Coal Group: Construction with iron determination and problem-solving style
Release time: 2022-12-15     Author: Shaanxi Coal Group Style Construction Special Action Leading Group    Views: 6363    Share to:

Since the launch of the special action on style construction,Shaanxi Coal Group keeps an eye on key links,The sword points to the stubborn disease of style,Adhere to problem orientation,Promote style improvement through problem rectification、Promote work implementation by improving work style,Ensure the implementation of special actions to improve work style。

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Shaanxi Coal Group takes the new style of "diligence, strictness, precision and honesty" as its standard,Focus on promoting high-quality development of enterprises,Take it yourself and find it、Mutual mention、Organization check、Leadership Point、A method combining employee evaluation,In-depth investigation into outstanding issues in work style,Ensure full coverage、No missing levels、No dead ends in work。Members of the group’s leadership team conducted in-depth investigations at the grassroots level on issues such as the work of the production and operation center and the “urgent, difficult and anxious” issues of employees,Through heart-to-heart conversations and collection of opinions and suggestions,Coordinate and resolve 44 related issues。The group headquarters focuses on the "five focus" and "three key areas" special governance and highlights the "want to do、Competent、Comprehensive effects of the construction of "dare to do" style,Adopt supervision and inspection、Identification and resolution of problems through online collection of opinions and suggestions,Using "PDCA" process cycle control to achieve high-quality promotion of supervision and inspection work;All affiliated companies passed self-examination、Paired mutual inspection、People’s reaction、Identification and resolution of problems in various forms such as Internet public opinion discovery。As of now,The group headquarters and its affiliated enterprises have investigated and sorted out 667 key issues in work style,Among them,410 rectifications have been urged and completed,Except for issues that require long-term implementation,Other issues will be dynamically supervised by the rectification inspection team,Ensure the rectification is completed before the end of the year。

Taking "change" as the key

Strike hard to arrest rectification

Style construction is a tough battle,It is also a protracted war。Shaanxi Coal Group will investigate and solve the problem、Integrated advancement of rectification and implementation,Established a monthly problem rectification information reporting M88 gamesystem,Follow the "report on January 1" and "summarize on January 1" methods,Regularly collect and summarize the progress of problem rectification,Know the progress of rectification work in a timely manner,Not enough to promote rectification、Supervise and promote units that are making slow progress。At the same time,Establish a dynamic "clearing" account cancellation mechanism for problem rectification,The "Rectification and Cancellation List of Key Issues in the Special Action for Style Construction" was formulated and issued,Require all units to promote rectification of key work style issues on schedule,Classify various issues according to completed rectification and long-term implementation,Develop a rectification plan in a timely manner,Clear responsible leadership、Leading department、Rectification time limit,Refining specific rectification measures,Correction one by one、Requirements for account cancellation,Ensure that every corrective measure has results、Everything is implemented,Formation of closed-loop management of problem rectification。

Based on “doing”

Prescribe the right medicine to the case

Qing Qi will be upright if the wind is clear,Qi is in harmony and the heart is in harmony,If we work together, we will succeed。Shaanxi Coal Group insists on using changes、The effectiveness of solving difficult problems tests the effectiveness of style construction,Continuously promote the downward extension of special actions、Xiang Shili、Developing into Shenzhen。Hongliulin Mining Company issued the "Self-inspection and Correction Plan for Special Actions on Style Construction",Make a list of 30 questions,Implementing “one case, one review” account cancellation management;Materials Group pays close attention to the effectiveness of work,Adhere to the idea of ​​dynamic control,Timely update, rectification and realism,Ensure that all rectification measures are fully implemented;Chenghe Mining Company focuses on the problem that “in-depth grassroots research is not effective enough to solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of employees”M88 login,Established a “leadership mechanism to solve grassroots problems”,Company leaders and various departments focus on the "most urgent、The most difficult、The most critical” question,Conducted more than 50 special surveys,Collecting 43 opinions,Completed a total of 655 practical projects,Employee satisfaction is steadily increasing;Shaanxi Coal Electric Power Company focuses on innovation and efficiency、Insufficient problem-solving ability and other issues,Focus on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,Do a good job in study and discussion、Exchange of experiences、Theme Party Day、Special tutoring、Knowledge test、Party members practice the "Six Ones" activities,All personnel will not relax on the goal of turning around losses and increasing profits,Keep safe、Grab battery、Create benefits,As of now,The annual power generation task has been completed at 3.5 billion kilowatt hours,Breaking the historical record since the establishment of the factory;Binchang Mining Company addresses outstanding issues in the field of people’s livelihood,Make a fact list,Create ledger,Advance item by item,The new apartment building of Dafosi Mine is completed and put into operation、Employee housing project launched、Uniformly install air conditioners in staff dormitories、Visiting physical examinations for the families of elderly employees、Solve the problem of employees’ children going to school、Building a "loving mother and baby room"... each "wish list" turns into a "happy bill",Effectively enhances employees’ sense of gain、Happiness、Sense of security。(Shaanxi Coal Group’s Special Action Leading Group for Work Style Construction)