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Hanjiawan Coal Company: Gathering safety into “new” forces
Release time: 2024-06-04     Author: Zhou Zhufeng Lu Shaoshuai Guo Hongxin    Views: 2367    Share to:

Recently,Good news from Shaanxi Coal Industry M88 gameAssociation,Hanjiawan Coal Company won the honorary title of “Shaanxi Province 2022-2023 Coal Safe and Efficient Mine”,Executive Director of the Company、Manager Feng Zewei won the honorary title of “Outstanding Mine Manager of Shaanxi Province Coal Industry in 2022-2023”。

Always,Hanjiawan Coal Company firmly establishes the concept of safe development,Under the premise of ensuring safety,Focus on optimizing mine mining design,Strengthen the management of electromechanical equipment,Building a standard and standardized production cycle,And develop new productive forces according to local conditions,Comprehensively improve mine safety and production efficiency,Promote high-quality development towards a higher level。


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Safety is captured、Managed。Hanjiawan Coal Company strictly implements "three managements and three must responsibilities",Perform safety point account assessment for all employees、Security Risk Mortgage、Safe production commitment system,Promote the seamless connection of the safety chain。In-depth promotion of three-year action to address root causes,Comprehensively improve the strong willingness and ability to find and solve problems,Further establish and improve the system to fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers of accidents、Institutional mechanism to fundamentally solve the problem、Responsibility chain and prevention and control system。


Actively promote the "NOSA+AI" new security management and control model,Continue to strengthen on-site management,Strictly implement the regulations on work ticket approval and promotion management during special periods,Enhanced special M88 games apkperiod、Key links、Safety management of critical places,Exercise leadership、Inspection of departments and offices and the role of "four members and two leaders" in guarding,Resolutely oppose the "three violations"。Solidly promote quality and safety,Develop your personal statement、Case Comment、Smart retail cabinet quizzes and other activities,Improve security soft power,The situation of mine safety production continues to improve steadily。

Strive to improve quality and make efficiency a habit

Hanjiawan Coal Company scientifically organizes production safety,Adhere to the "one well and one side" production layout,Continuous optimization of mining design,And actively carry out labor competition activities,Fully stimulate the enthusiasm of production safety at all levels。Continue to deepen standardization construction,Led by the “1248” safety production standardized management system,Carry out special renovation of system roadways、Mutual inspection and mutual inspection、Benchmarking and table matching activities,Create high-quality projects and demonstration areas,Continue to consolidate the achievements of the first-level mine creation of the standardized management system for safe production。


"If coal is produced, coal cannot be produced,The key is mechanical and electrical”,Hanjiawan Coal Company comprehensively strengthens mechanical and electrical management,Strictly implement the "four inspections" system for mechanical and electrical equipment,And organically combine daily maintenance with monthly maintenance,Improve the quality of equipment maintenance。In-depth implementation of equipment life cycle management,Carefully study m88 reviewthe operating rules of the equipment,Complete equipment maintenance files,Implement equipment maintenance list,Understand the operating status of the equipment,Ensure safe and smooth operation of equipment。Take steps to reduce costs and increase efficiency”,Adopt refined management to reduce costs、Make good use of policy tools to reduce costs、Optimize production and sales to reduce costs、Measures such as digging deep into internal potential and increasing efficiency,Continuously improve the company's risk prevention capabilities and core competitiveness。

Towards the “new”, making excellence inevitable

The characteristic of new productivity is innovation,The key is quality。Hanjiawan Coal Company insists on seeking methods and answers from technological innovation,Actively solve work problems。Promote the "unveiling and leading" system for scientific research projects,Speed ​​up the new equipment train、Liquid CO2 fire prevention、Remote automatic fire doors and other "four new" projects are implemented,Implementing a quarterly all-staff maker project review and reward system,More than 1,000 outstanding innovation achievements have been formed in total,Producing innovative benefits of more than 80 million yuan,Obtained more than 130 national patent authorizations。


Introduce intelligent projects and technologies according to local conditions,Accelerate the construction of intelligent mines,Built smart coal mining、Intelligent excavation、Smart ventilation and other 10 intelligent systems and 69 intelligent subsystems,All achieve comprehensive management and control、Data sharing、Normal application,Greatly optimized production processes M88 loginand procedures,Reduced labor intensity of employees,Reducing people, improving efficiency and increasing safety have achieved remarkable results。The company successfully passed the Shaanxi Province Class A intelligent mine construction acceptance。

Honor is affirmation,Also a spur。Hanjiawan Coal Company will take this award as a new starting point,Keep up the good work、Work hard and make progress,Continuously deepen and optimize the stock,Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of safe and efficient mines,Accelerate the creation of new momentum and new advantages,Strive to create a new situation of high-quality development。(Zhou Zhufeng, Lu Shaoshuai, Guo Hongxin)