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The Second Comprehensive Excavation Team of Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine: "Small Actions" to Reduce Costs and "Big Articles" to Increase Efficiency
Release time: 2024-06-11     Author: Gao Huan    Views: 2668    Share to:

Saving expenses and reducing costs starts with the heart,Improving quality and efficiency through practice。While further improving work efficiency,The Second Comprehensive Excavation Team of Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine is also rigidly implementing the company's cost reduction and efficiency improvement measures,Hold on to the word "surrender" to the end,Put the word "increase" into practice,Continuously improve excavation efficiency。

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Maximize material recycling,Reduce waste,Is an important link in achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement management measures。The second comprehensive excavation team uses material management as a breakthrough,Organize a special seminar on materials analysis,Formulate the "Material Management System of the Second Comprehensive Excavation Team",Realize economical use of underground M88 gamematerials,Let every spare part have a "trace" to follow。At the same time, do a good job in material recycling,When receiving materials, priority is given to warehouse repair parts、Recycled items,Recycle resources well,Saving expenses。Also,Regular statistics on the materials and accessories used by various types of work every month,Overall control of monthly material consumption。Combined with the service life of the equipment,Develop a reasonable monthly material plan,Ensure equipment has spare parts in reasonable quantities of materials,Prevent excessive material backlog。

Use waste into treasure and show your magical power

Since the launch of cost reduction and efficiency improvement,The Second Comprehensive Excavation Team actively advocates "making the best use of everything",Fully tap into the remaining value of waste materials,Don’t let go of any place to repair it yourself、Opportunity for independent maintenance,Repair malfunctioning equipment in a timely manner,Recycle all accessories that can be disassembled and used,Continuously turn idle waste materials into treasure。Repair frequently damaged equipment by dedicated personnel,It not only improves the hands-on ability of employees,It also improves the durability of the equipment,Reduce M88 appthe waste of human and financial resources。

Innovate and improve efficiency

The Second Comprehensive Excavation Team independently "innovates + upgrades" to realize the voice, sound and light alarm of the underground double-arm bolting machine without leaving the machine、Leave people alone instead of taking chances。Due to the limited space in the excavation working face、Device concentration、High noise and other characteristics,Other workers sometimes fail to detect operating equipment in time, resulting in safety accidents such as scratches or bumps。After adding this system to the double-arm bolting machine,Can remind on-site workers to pay attention to safety,Safety accidents have been greatly avoided,Saving costs while improving safety performance1.more than 50,000 yuan。

The only starting point is to reduce costs and increase efficiency,No end。The second comprehensive excavation team will pay close attention to key links、Key areas,Through real capture、Real arrest、often caught,Unswervingly fight the "tough battle" to reduce costs and increase efficiency。(Gao Huan)