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North Shaanxi Mining Company won the "Good" grade of provincial designated assistance unit
Release time: 2024-07-06     Author: Zhang Hui    Views: 1942    Share to:

Recently,The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on the Assessment Results of Provincial Units' Fixed-point Assistance Work in 2023" (Shaanxi Nongfa [2024] No. 39),Notice the assessment results of the province’s targeted assistance work in 2023,Northern Shaanxi Mining Company was rated as "Good" and other sub-provincial designated assistance units。



In recent years,Under the strong leadership of the Shaanxi Coal Group Party Committee,North Shaanxi Mining Company adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Conscientiously implement the relevant arrangements of the Central Province and Shaanxi Coal Group for rural revitalization,Resolutely implement the "Four Don't Picks",Focus on the “Five Major Revitalizations”,Continue to play the role of pairing support,Write a new chapter in helping rural revitalization with practical results。

Focus on high-level coordination,Promoting rural revitalization。The Party Committee of Shaanbei Mining Company always puts targeted assistance work on the Party Committee’s agenda,As one of the key tasks throughout the year,Always promote industrial development、Increasing villagers’ income is the focus of work。According to statistics,Since the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization M88 appstrategy of Shaanbei Mining Company,A total of more than 24 million yuan of assistance funds has been invested in consumption assistance、Industrial Development、Visit and express condolences、Jinqiu Student Aid、People’s livelihood projects, etc.,Vigorously promote the comprehensive economic and social development of the assisted areas。Sent out 6 batches、9 people with strong political consciousness、High work enthusiasm、Excellent cadres who are familiar with "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" carry out village-based assistance work,Revolving around "Party Building Leadership,Branch setting up a platform,Party members take the lead,Develop industrial development plans with the idea of ​​"industrial wealth",Come out an "industrial boom、Ecological Beauty、The green development path of collective industry for "rich people"。

Focus on resource endowments,Promote industrial integration。Northern Shaanxi Mining Company focuses on the geographical location and resource endowment of the assisted villages,Combined with the development plan of Hanyin County,In accordance with the strategic thinking of “beautiful roads + industrial development + rural revitalization”,Building a collection of fruit and vegetable planting along the Hanshuang Secondary Tourist Highway、Aquaculture、A 200-acre cherry industrial park agriculture and tourism integrated project zone integrating sightseeing and leisure,Estimated after 2025,It will increase the village collective income by more than 200,000 yuan every year;A m88 casino review150-acre vegetable industry greenhouse in Longya Village was built in two phases,Develop digital agriculture of fruits and vegetables,Not only provides a stable income of more than 100,000 yuan to the village collective economy every year,It can also increase the income of the surrounding people through working and other methods,Continue to enhance the endogenous development motivation of the people who have been lifted out of poverty,Promote assistance to villages to strengthen villages and enrich people。

Focus on enriching people and increasing income,Inspiring rural vitality。Increase people’s income through industrial development,Enhance the effectiveness of enriching the people through high-quality employment。Since the Shaanbei Mining Company designated to assist Longya Village,Organize local people to transfer more than 350 acres of land to develop the fruit and vegetable planting industry,Inspire the people around you to start businesses and find jobs "at your doorstep"、Increase income and become rich,The people live and work in peace and contentment and their well-being is increasing day by day。The per capita net income of households lifted out of poverty and monitored households in Longya Village in 2023 is 14,949 yuan,13 year-on-year increase.7%。

Next step,Northern Shaanxi Mining Company will continue to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on “rural revitalization” and “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and the spirit of important speeches made during previous inspections in Shaanxi,Learning and applying m88 casinothe experience of “Ten Million Projects” as a guide,Taking the opportunity of creating a county-level “Ten Million Project” demonstration village,Anchoring the development goals of provincial designated villages,Efforts should be made to effectively connect targeted villages to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization,Contribute more mining power in northern Shaanxi to comprehensively promote the rural revitalization of Hanyin County。(Zhang Hui)