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Shaanxi Coal Group and State Grid Shaanxi Company signed an in-depth cooperation framework agreement
Release time: 2024-07-05     Author: Electric Power Group    Views: 1910    Share to:


Morning of July 5th,Shaanxi Coal Group and State Grid Shaanxi Company signed an in-depth cooperation framework agreement in Xi'an。Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Chairman Zhang Wenqi,Secretary of the Party Committee of State Grid Shaanxi Company、Chairman Zhang Xuehong attended the agreement signing ceremony and delivered a speech。Member of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Deputy General Manager Yuan Guangjin,Member of the Party Committee of State Grid Shaanxi Company、Deputy General Manager Yue Hongquan signed the agreement on behalf of both parties。


Zhang Wenqi expresses her gratitude to State Grid Shaanxi Company for its long-term support and help。He introduced the production and operation situation of Shaanxi Coal in the first half of the year,By implementing the “Four Business Philosophies”,Pay close attention to "making up for weak points、Key work on “Strengths and Weaknesses”,Achieved better than expected operating results,Promoted high-quality development。He said,Shaanxi Coal Group and State Grid Shaanxi Company have a long history of cooperation,Complementary industries and resources,Culture and philosophy are connected,Has good foundation and M88 appwide space,Through multi-level communication between both parties,Increased mutual trust,Deepened cooperation,The signing of the cooperation agreement has promoted the cooperation between the two parties to start a new journey,Step to a new level,will promote both parties to better fulfill their political responsibilities、Social Responsibility and Economic Responsibility。he pointed out,We must further implement cooperation projects,Establish a special work class,Convene a special meeting,Form an implementation list,Jointly promote formalities, construction and operations,Improve the core competitiveness of the project。To create a model of cooperation between central enterprises and provincial enterprises,Work together to contribute greater economic and social benefits to the province’s economic and social development。He hopes that both companies will cooperate not only on projects,Management contacts,Also in party building、Exchanges on group work and other aspects,Form all-round cooperation and exchange。

Zhang Xuehong thanks Shaanxi Coal Group for its strong support to the development of State Grid Shaanxi Company and Shaanxi Power Grid。He said,Shaanxi Coal Group and State Grid Shaanxi Company are both state-owned enterprises,Same goal、Same responsibility。First, we need to enhance mutual trust,Continue to deepen cooperation,Work together to promote high-quality development。Second, we M88 gamemust strengthen communication,Form a multi-level communication mechanism,The Development Department and other departments will coordinate and coordinate cooperation matters between the two parties。The third is to pay close attention to implementation,Innovation in electric power technology、Power supply quality and efficiency、Comprehensively implement cooperation matters in new energy development and other aspects。He is also cooperating on energy storage projects、Electricity marketization and cost reduction、Proposed ideas for cooperation in new project power supporting areas。he pointed out,To sign this cooperation agreement,Continue to deepen the cooperation mechanism between the two parties,Build in-depth cooperation between local enterprises and central enterprises、Help and learn from each other、A model of common development,Contribute more to the high-quality economic and social development of Shaanxi。At the agreement signing ceremony,Yuan Guangjin read out the contents of the cooperation agreement。

Shaanxi Coal Group Electric Power Division、Strategic Planning Department and New Energy Company、Fugu Energy Company、Head of Shaanxi Iron and Steel Group,State Grid Shaanxi Company Office、Development Department、Capital Department、Control Center and Shaanxi Trading Company、The person in charge of Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute attended the agreement signing ceremony。(Power Group)

Source: Shaanxi Coal Group website