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Release time: 2024-07-13     Author: Zhang Bo    Views: 1312    Share to:

Midsummer,Into Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company,What comes into view is the lush greenery,Continuous green color,Green grass spreading mining area,Blooming flowers competing for beauty,As if you are in a beautiful garden。Behind this picturesque scenery,It is Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company that deeply implements the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets",Insist on giving priority to ecology、Vivid practice of green development。


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The current mine,Underground like factory,The ground is like a garden,This is due to the company’s unswerving implementation of the ecologically-based development concept,Strive to create green and low-carbon、Energy saving and environmental protection、Beautiful and pleasant production and living environment。

Environmental protection construction,System first。To lay a solid foundation for environmental protection,Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company makes every effort to strengthen the establishment of an ecological and environmental protection responsibility system,We have formulated more than 10 environmental protection management systems,Carry out regular investigation and real-time supervision of environmental protection issues、Vigorously organize various environmental protection publicity and training activities,It has made the company attach importance to environmental protection、A good atmosphere that actively practices environmental protection concepts。

To ensure effectiveness、Implement responsibilities,Beginning of the year,Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company passed the green mine self-assessment,Further consolidated the achievements of green construction,Developed an annual work plan for green mine construction,In accordance with the "Evaluation Indicators for Green Mine Construction",Identified the responsible persons item by item,Arranged relevant work,Promoting normalized management of green mine construction。

Green development, new look for mining areas

“The mining area is getting more and more beautiful,Every spring and summer,All kinds of flowers in the mining area are in full bloom,Walking into the mining area is like M88 loginarriving at a beautiful scenic spot!”Talk about the beauty of the mining area,Zi Yaogang, an employee of the excavation team, is full of pride and pride。

What was once a mountain of coal gangue has now been cleverly transformed into a unique landscape,Covered with lush vegetation,Who would have thought that the gangue mountain in the past could become a beautiful landscape now?

In recent years,Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company has invested a large amount of money in mining area greening projects,Hired a professional garden design company,Drafted a transformation plan to improve quality and meet standards,Building an ecological demonstration park,Panax notoginseng has been planted inside and outside the mining area、Eight Treasure Sedum、More than 40 species including golden leaf elm,More than 400,000 green plants,A total of more than 28,000 square meters。As of now,The greening rate of the mining area is over 81%,The charming scenery of "garden-like park" is formed,Realize the mining area to realize one scene at a time、Evergreen all year round、There are flowers in three seasons,Create a comfortable and pleasant working and living environment for employees。


"Protect" mines and build a beautiful ecology

“Safety is the lifeline of coal mines,Environmental protection is our responsibility。We are committed to achieving safe production and environmental protection in coal mines,Place green mines and safe production at the same level,Remarkable achievements have been made in recent years,Successfully passed the national green mine on-site selection and verification,Successfully shortlisted for the National Green Mine Directory。" Ma Ruijun, Director of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection introduced。

Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company adheres to the combination of prevention and control,Put "prevention" first,Strengthen environmental management in mining areas,M88 loginIn terms of waste rock disposal,Power generation by utilizing coal gangue、Brick making、Disposal of coal gangue by filling ditches and creating land;In terms of water pollution prevention and control, mine drainage and industrial wastewater treatment and comprehensive utilization projects have been launched,The project will achieve 100% resource utilization of mine water;Raw coal storage achieves closed management,Effectively reducing coal dust pollution...

Pragmatic measures one by one,The ecological environment of the mining area has been effectively improved,Achieved mutual benefit and win-win of economic and ecological benefits。

Intelligent leadership, technology promotes green travel

“With the application of intelligent technology,Not only improves production efficiency,Also reduces costs,Also for the safety of mine production、Energy conservation, emission reduction and green and low-carbon development have laid a solid foundation。" said Wang Li, Minister of Work Safety Management。

In recent years,Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company focuses on key areas such as automation and intelligence,Vigorously promote digital transformation,Actively introduce green energy-saving facilities and equipment,Continuously improve the production efficiency and environmental protection level of mines。Introduced MQC-75 coal slime filter press system,Improved clearance efficiency,Reduced security risks;Built a water supply monitoring system,Prevention and Control of Water Waste;Established an intelligent auxiliary transportation management system,Real-time tracking of underground vehicles、Positioning、Communication......

Meanwhile,In the factory,An intelligent dust reduction system is also operating efficiently。This system monitors the dust concentration in the air in real time through sophisticated sensors,Once exceeded,The spray dust suppression device will automatically start,m88 casinoQuickly control dust within a safe range。The workers were full of praise: "With this system,We no longer have to worry about dust problems。”

Reclamation from the desert,Working on the yellow soil,Looking back on the past,Sunjiacha m88 casinoLonghua Mining Company has gone through 30 years,Under the guidance of the ecological civilization concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver",The mining area has got rid of the "dirty chaos" and put on "green clothes","Green、Low carbon、Safety、Efficient、Intelligence” has gradually become a key element in the wonderful transformation process of the mining area,On the journey of high-quality development,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company is running faster and faster、More and more stable。(Hanjiawan Coal Company Zhang Bo)