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Zhang Zongyong——"Prayer"
Release time: 2022-04-07     Author: Zhang Zongyong    Views: 9072    Share to:

M88 game

Sudden wind

The sky is filled with yellow sand

Spring in April

Just a little bit green

In the darkness of broad daylight

Lost myself

People hiding in the house

Excellent performance through the haze

Looking into the distance of the soul and praying

The dawn after darkness

Just want to have

The breath of free running

Thinking about independent walking

In the days under the epidemic

Nucleic acid is daily life

Distance creates new hope

The screen is the best yearning and comfort

Greetings are no longer just for acquaintances

Hold hands and meet for the future together

When the M88 appwind blows away, the courtyard will be filled with the fragrance of flowers

Another rampage

will eventually fall

(Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company: Zhang Zongyong)