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My squad leader, my squad
Release time: 2022-05-02     Author: He Yao    Views: 9652    Share to:

Since working,The person who impressed me the most is my monitor,I have never seen such a "wrong" before、Such a "hard" person。It is precisely for this M88 appreason,Let many people in the class praise him。He is Li Jihong, the squad leader of the first production team of the comprehensive mining team of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company。

Although the squad leader is "axis",He is famous for his good temper。In the process of maintenance,Because of work arrangement issues,Some employees always come out to complain。But I have never seen the monitor lose his temper,Because he always has a way to solve things patiently。


The monitor’s “axis”,Let there be no sand in his eyes。After each equipment maintenance is completed,The squad leader will always stand aside and nag: the maintenance site must be cleaned cleanly,All tools and tools must be classified and coded in place!I’m afraid it’s because of the squad leader’s “axis”,Every time I’m looking for tools,Always find it as soon as possible,Greatly shortened our maintenance time。

The m88 casino reviewwork is very "shabby",Don’t give up until it’s unsafe。Every job site at the work surface,Monitor Li is always “everywhere”,Where are the key maintenance work,He will be watching over there,Do a good job in supervision and inspection,Correction of deficiencies on site,Stop all unsafe behaviors。Where to find security risks,He can always solve it as soon as possible。He always said: "Details determine success or failure,Safety too!”

Monitor Li’s “axis” energy is everywhere,So cute,It makes people “love and hate”。(He Yao)