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My monitor, my squad
Release time: 2022-05-11     Author: Li Heng    Views: 9652    Share to:

My name is Li Heng,is a member of the rescue squadron of Hanjiawan Coal Company。I vaguely remember the induction training in 2020,The first time I met my squad leader Wu Yifeng,That dark face,Looks particularly "enthusiastic" in the sun。For two years,M88 loginThe heart-warming things he did,Warmed up the entire ambulance squadron family。

“Why is your face so dark?"Whenever someone teases squad leader Wu Yifeng like this,He always laughed and said: "It's all health given by the sun。”

At the end of the physical training of our team members,You can always see the squad leader carrying a bucket of mineral water to quench everyone’s thirst;When reciting rescue theory knowledge,He always accompanies the last team member to recite before resting;When practicing instrument operation,He is always the sparring partner from beginning to end...

Whenever a day of high-intensity training tasks ends,While resting in the dormitory,The squad leader always drags his tired body to visit all the members of the team。“More intense training,It cannot destroy the fighting spirit of our young people!"He always says this to us。Hearing these heartwarming and morale-boosting words,The team members are like m88 casino reviewchicken blood,Confident and energetic。

The ambulance squadron has been established for more than two years,My "black" squad leader has been silently dedicated in his ordinary position。In order to improve the overall quality of the team,After he participated in the team leader training organized by Northern Shaanxi Mining Company,With new ideas、New request、New arrangements to carry out scientific training。

Under the leadership of monitor Wu Yifeng,Our team’s overall performance has improved by leaps and bounds,Everyone is a technical expert,Everyone is a leader in physical fitness,Laid a solid foundation for improving the overall rescue level of the rescue squadron。(Li Heng)