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Chen Rui——"The Light of Youth Blooms in the Responsibility and Struggle"
Release time: 2022-05-17     Author: Chen Rui    Views: 11224    Share to:

100 years of hard work,2022,100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China。The passing years,I have traveled so much distance without realizing it。100 years,Youth is active in every major historical process of the country and the nation,From "Anti-Japanese War" to "Anti-Aggression War",From "Long March" to "National Anti-epidemic",From "Lei Feng Spirit" to "Women's Volleyball Team Spirit",Chinese youth are shining in various fields,Silently contribute to the strong rejuvenation of the motherland。Youth,Has become a national revitalization、One of the important forces in the rise of the nation。

General Secretary Xi Jinping said at the centenary meeting of the founding of the Communist Youth League that "Youth breeds infinite hope,Youth creates a better tomorrow”,Placing great expectations on the youth of the new era。Youth is the hope of the country,As a youth in the new era,We should shoulder the mission given to us by history,We must work hard、Strive to be strong,Contribute to the prosperity and development of the motherland,Contribute to the company’s high-quality development。

March 2022,Group company based on development needs,Adjustments to the system of Northern Shaanxi Mining Company。M88 appUnder the new system,We have fewer units,The size has become smaller,The company's core business has undergone major changes,The focus is to seek new breakthroughs in the development of new resources,That is, increase the increment。Facing new arduous tasks and new tracks,We young workers should shoulder heavy responsibilities,Working hard for the company’s goal of “rebuilding a new northern Shaanxi mining industry”。


Think back to early 2004,The group company has just been established,Facing resource depletion in old areas、Difficult to mine、Many factors such as heavy burden on enterprises,Issued a call for strategic northward movement。The Northern Shaanxi Mining Company is the pioneer in moving north,Our predecessors took root in the desert、Hard work,It took more than ten years to build a large number of modern mine groups,Won the honor of “The First Contribution to Moving Shaanxi Coal to the North”。Today,The "Northward Movement Spirit" has become the spiritual inheritance of Shaanxi Coal Group,It has also penetrated into the blood of every mining worker in northern Shaanxi。I believe,Inspired by this spirit,North Shaanxi Mining Company will definitely become the “tide-setter” for the group company to increase its growth。

Young Strong,Then China will be strong。Now the epidemic is raging around the world,China has achieved good results in epidemic prevention and control,It depends on the indomitable will of the soldiers on M88 loginthe front line of epidemic prevention and control。26-year-old Tao Lifang decided to fight and went to the front line in Wuhan,Full of passion turns into "as long as it is needed to fight the epidemic,I will continue to fight!”’s Youth Pledge;Zhu Jing, a post-90s nurse at Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital,"Turning around" in the ICU ward,No slacking off in the face of the severe epidemic。They are just ordinary people’s bodies,I will also be tired,I will also be tired,But with a strong will like steel,Lifting the sky for epidemic prevention,Holding up hope,No regrets in youth。Under the current development background of the company making great strides,Facing a new historical starting point,We young workers should take the initiative to take responsibility,Based on what General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned in his speech: “We must have lofty ideals、A model of firm faith;Study hard、A model of innovation;Be brave enough to fight、A model who is good at fighting;Be virtuous and do good、4 Models of Strict Observance of Discipline as Guidelines,Be grateful、Be brave in innovation、firm belief、Continue to struggle,Write a chapter of youthful vitality,Building Dreams for a New Journey in Northern Shaanxi Mining,Continue to move forward。

Growth only takes a moment,Youth cannot backspace。As a young person in the new era,We were born in the best of times,Cherish time even more、Live up to your time。Young workers M88 loginmust “correct” their mentality,Customized and detailed personal growth plan,Copy the blueprint of youth’s struggle;To accumulate achievements,Down to earth,Don’t stop moving forward for “glory”。Let growth live up to expectations,Let youth shine,Use practical actions to deliver excellent answers that astonish the company!(Company authority: Chen Rui)