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Shaanxi Coal Group Website
Release time: 2022-05-18     Author: Zhu Chao    Views: 9396    Share to:

as of2022Year3In September, the Sunjiacha Longhua Company of Northern Shaanxi Mining was established2numberSkill Master Studio, completed management innovation project16item, scientific research project9items, national utility patent authorization26won innovation awards at provincial or ministerial level or above7item……Behind the string of bright numbers is the company’s deep rootsCrowd CreationThe vivid practice of culture. In recent years, the company has insisted onCrowd CreationCulture is the starting point,Use innovation as the driving force and source of development,Lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the enterprise。

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When innovation was mentioned in the past,Many employees of this company tend to associate it withTall and tallequal sign, followingCrowd CreationThe employees see the continuous extension of cultureDon’t ask where the hero comes from, as long as he creates results, he is the hero of the enterprise。 The company has formulated and promulgated the "Measures for the Management of Scientific and Technological Work" and the "Measures for the Incentive Management of Innovation and Performance for All Employees" and other systems,Established a scientific and technological work management organization headed by the main leaders of the party and government,The Science and Technology Work Management Committee and the Science and Technology Committee Office were established,Provides strong institutional guarantee。

Improved salary management methods and incentive mechanism,Promote skills allowance and differentiated salary distribution。Grand prize for the company’s safety production technology、Units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,Enable scientific and technological talentsBenefit,And then continue to encourage all cadres and employees to innovate、Continuous innovation。

Introduction and implementation of the system,Promoted the construction of the company’s talent team,For the ability、Want to do something、Competent employees provide a stage for the implementation of talents。2021Year, selected by the company32Chief Skill Master,Salary and benefits include full-time benefits of the district team;at154 Among the 19672_19692 declared innovation projects, the projects declared by frontline workers include87items, of total56%

Planting fertile ground allows innovation to burst forth

Wang Zhongke is the head of the company’s Skill Master Studio,His mobile phone always makes a vibrating sound from time to time。WithCrowd CreationCulture is deeply rooted in people’s hearts,Many employees will ask Wang Zhongke for their ideas、Difficulties encountered。

In recent years,The company has successively established model worker studios、Wang Zhongke Technology Master Studio。Give full play to the guiding role of innovation backbone,Explore and promote the use of new technologies and new processes、Everyone participates in the maker group、A series of innovative training and education activities such as technological innovation and application,willCrowd CreationCulture penetrates into the mind of every employee、Put it into action。

Make full use of training models such as mentoring and apprenticeship and technical competition,Carry out various technical competitions every year、YouthMass EntrepreneurshipAction andThree small ones and one practiceInnovative activities,Enable employees to study、practice、In the process of comparison,Everyone is willing to m88 casino reviewdo it、Good atmosphere for studying,Continuously improve the innovation capabilities of all employees。

Du Chao is the technician of the selection team,Responsible for the technical management of the district team andCrowd CreationManagement work。Relying on Maker Branch,Du Chao proposed small reforms proposed by all employees、Golden ideas and innovative projects,Register all members of the selection teampublicCreating a closed-loop ledger. In the first quarter, the selection team completed minor reforms4item, golden idea34items, creating a total economic benefit of approximately52Ten thousand yuan.

Improved efficiency leads to remarkable innovation results

Innovation is not a showpiece,The purpose of innovation is to make the company develop faster and better,All we have to do is put the results of innovation into practical use,Truely reflects the value of innovation。Wang Zhongke said.

Management innovation created by the company’s comprehensive management departmentExploration and practice of building an information-based collaborative office system based on the DingTalk platformApplication, direct savings every year2.710,000 yuan,Standardizes business processes,Higher daily work efficiency。

Technological innovation created by the Production Technology Department“400 Research and application of safe and intelligent mining technology for ultra-long fully mechanized mining working facesImplementation and application, the inclined length of the fully mechanized mining face is given by330Increased meters400meter,The recoverable reserves of the working face increase under the same amount of excavation work57Ten thousand tons, providing a strong guarantee for the company's sustainable development.

Small reforms initiated by the staff of the sports selection team“901 Application of dual-drive synchronous start and stop technology of belt conveyorInnovative project, effectively extended901 Service life of belt conveyor drive unit,Saving maintenance costs approximately every two years410,000 yuan,Reduces the probability of electromechanical accidents due to uneven force during startup……

Excellent achievements one after another、A shining honor one by one、The transformation of a series of innovative achievements,Generated benefits,Continue to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of the majority of cadres and workers to innovate and create results,For implementationTo be a leading energy and chemical enterprise in the countryAnd keep working hard. (Zhu Chao)