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My monitor, my monitor
Release time: 2022-06-22     Author: Gao Ruijun    Views: 10310    Share to:

My name is Gao Ruijun,I am a maintenance worker in the maintenance class of the auxiliary transportation team of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company。My squad M88 loginleader is Song Ruipeng,He is not tall,But has strong communication skills。At work,He is always so careful,So meticulous。Especially for safety work,Always nagging,Never let go of anything that threatens security。Therefore,Everyone affectionately calls him "Brother Nagging"。


"Working on a lift,Protect the vehicle,Everyone wear labor protection equipment when working。”Every time you do the work,We have never met him、Hear it first。Tell the truth,At first I was disgusted with his nagging,The general manager and colleagues discuss the squad leader behind his back,Speak ill of him。But later,Every time before homework,Can’t hear his nagging,I still don’t know how to do safety work。"Safety is no small matter,Please don’t take it seriously。"This is what "Brother Nagging" often says。It is precisely because of this nagging sound,No safety accident M88 gamehas occurred in the maintenance class so far。


"Nagging Brother" the squad leader is very careful,Once,I have a fever,Dizziness。When inspecting the vehicle under the vehicle,He called me out from under the car when he saw something wrong with my face,Ask me what’s wrong。I said I have a fever,Dizziness。He said to me: "Go and take a rest,Not in good health,A security incident may occur。”In life,He is more like our friend、Our brother,Let’s discuss safety issues together、Vehicle maintenance knowledge,Grow together。This is my monitor,A nagging and careful person。This is my team,A big family that unites and strives for progress。(Author: Gao Ruijun  Editor: Wang Yu)