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Hot? The love does not diminish!
Release time: 2022-07-19     Author: Meng Aman    Views: 8766    Share to:


Hot July,The sun is like fire,The temperature continues to rise。Recently,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company launches a condolence M88 appactivity with the theme of "Sending Coolness in Summer",Sending the slightest coolness and sincere safety instructions to employees who stick to their posts under high temperatures。

"Thank you for your hard work!”Activity site,The company’s leaders distributed “love gift packs” for heatstroke prevention and cooling to employees,Thank you all for your hard work,And ask everyone to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling,Safe summer。

“There is fruit in the supermarket,Have household grains and oils,The fruits and vegetables of the agricultural company are about to mature。Now I always receive love gift packages from the company,We are becoming more and more happy!”Employee He Yao’s joy after receiving the condolence gift was beyond words。

Do things from the heart,Care for the grassroots。Condolences this time,Let employees fighting in high temperature M88 appenvironments feel the care and concern of the company’s party and government,Greatly inspired the work enthusiasm of frontline workers,While ensuring that the majority of employees spend the summer cool and comfortable,It also provides a strong guarantee for the company’s safe production。(Author: Meng Aman  Editor: Wang Yu)