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The growth story of the “model master and apprentice” born in the 1990s
Release time: 2022-07-30     Author: Su Wei    Views: 10266    Share to:

There is such a pair of "post-90s" employees in Longhua Mining Company,They come from different places,Have different growth experiences,But we got together because of work,They are the "Twin Stars" of the Second Comprehensive Digging Team——Yan Changwen、Wang Xing。

Yan Changwen born in 1990,Although he is not old,Ke has been working in the coal mine for more than ten years。After graduating from coal school, he came to the front line to engage in electrical equipment maintenance,And has won awards in the company’s electromechanical skills competition for many consecutive years,is recognized as an “expert” by the company。

Wang Xing who graduated from university,At the beginning of the formation of the comprehensive excavation team, he formed a master-disciple "duo" with Yan Changwen,With diligence and studious,In the past three years, he has grown from an electrician “novice” to a district team electromechanical “master”。


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When I first started working,Wang Xing is just an ordinary electrician,I only work in the well every day,Grows very slowly,I often feel confused。Master Yan Changwen told him,Every troubleshooting is the best learning opportunity,Record frequently、More summaries。

The beginning of the formation of the comprehensive excavation team,As a master, Yan Changwen was transferred from the comprehensive mining team,Not very familiar with mechanized excavation equipment,Underground equipment failures occur frequently,The master and the apprentice went down to the well during the day,Studying the electrical control drawings of equipment in the dormitory at night。

“The equipment seems to be deliberately trying to find trouble with us,Sometimes I get a call just after I return to the dormitory after taking a shower,The underground equipment is broken,The master was very worried during that time。"Wang Xing said。

With a seriousness that refuses to admit defeat,Yan Changwen quickly mastered the production system and equipment working conditions of the mechanized excavation team,Wang Xing also learned a lot,The small notebook in my arms is full of troubleshooting procedures and methods。

There are good ways to preach and teach people,Study diligently, think well and have strong skills,The two were named “Model Masters and Disciples” by the company in their first year as apprentices。Wang Xing has also gradually grown into the "main force" of electrical maintenance,Hired by the company as a senior electrician technician。


From "sloppy general" to "pay attention to people"

“After coming to Longhua to work,The biggest change is the increased sense of responsibility。"Wang M88 appXing said,“I used to repair the vacuum switch,The relay is not sensitive,Often muddling along,If you can close it after a few times, just use it first。Once,The master caught me doing this,He said to me seriously,Small hidden dangers may cause big accidents,Poor pull-in will cause overcurrent、Burning motor,If it is serious, it will cause the mine to shut down。Now,What problem did you encounter,I require myself to discover the cause accurately、Solve problems quickly,No room for carelessness or hesitation。”

"Once,Master goes home to visit relatives,The underground belt frequently stops itself。Master is not here,I have to take the lead,I feel really uneasy。"Wang Xing said。Yan Changwen, who is thousands of miles away, is a little worried,I’m afraid something will happen to my apprentice,Affecting mine safety production。

After careful investigation,And reset the inverter、Cannot restart even if there is a power outage,Finally passed the master’s telephone guidance,Use a multimeter to measure the loop、Observe the input and output status of the main console,Finally found out that cable leakage affects control line signal transmission,Fault that causes frequent automatic shutdowns。

Exercise again and again,Let Wang Xing become mature and steady,A stronger sense of responsibility,Master Yan Changwen was promoted to maintenance squad leader by the company due to his outstanding work ability。

This pair of "model masters and apprentices" born in the 1990s,Gradually won the recognition of colleagues and leaders。In the future,This pair of "model masters and apprentices" will be in their respective positions,Continue to write their own poems,Showing the hard-working spirit of "Mei Liangzi" in the new era。(Author: Su Wei  Editor: Wang Yu)