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Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch Zhangjiamao Zhiwei Center theme party day activities are colorful
Release time: 2022-08-30     Author: Wang Dong    Views: 8080    Share to:


Recently,With the expansion of the epidemic in Shenmu area、Complication,Employees are depressed、Negative thinking,To ensure the quality of operation and maintenance services,The Zhangjiamao Zhiwei Center Party Branch of the Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch timely carried out the "Gathering of Hearts and Strengths、Service first、Stabilize production and ensure supply” themed party day event。

“This epidemic is coming with a fierce force,Comrades should pay high attention to it in terms of ideological understanding,Give full play to the role of model party members and take the lead,Actively respond to difficult tasks under the epidemic situation,Supervise epidemic prevention and control,Ensure stable M88 appoperation of the system,Improve operation and maintenance service quality。”The person in charge of the Party branch of Zhangjiamao Zhiwei Center emphasized。

“The epidemic came too suddenly,Caught people off guard,I didn’t take any change of clothes,Eating for the family is also a problem,It is inevitable to be a little distracted when working。" Xiao Ren, who lives in the urban area, said。

After learning this information,Party members of the branch expressed their opinions one after another。

“His clothes are about the same size as mine,I lent him my clothes。”

“My home is in the same community as his home,There are enough supplies at home,I called my family to contact volunteers to deliver it to his home。”


Due to the government’s notice requiring miners to separate production and sales、Stabilize production and supply,At the same time, in order to avoid cross-infection among personnel,Protect the physical and mental health of employees,The mine immediately implemented a lockdown and quarantine policy on the sales department。In this way,Maintenance and sales to Zhiwei Center、The loading system caused great difficulties。

The party branch immediately established a party member vanguard team,Wear protective clothing,Bring good tools,m88 casinoDeep into the hinterland of the blockade,To sales、Loading、The washing and selection system is carefully maintained,Provide all-round services for miners to stabilize production and ensure supply、Multidimensional、Highly efficient service,The sales department staff raised their hands and praised this "Dabai" that was retrograde during the epidemic。

“This activity not only allowed me to experience the difficulty of working under protective clothing,It also made me understand the sense of honor that I always carry with me as a party member、Sense of mission。" Party member Xiao Gao said with emotion。

This theme party day event,Not only the first time since the establishment of Zhangjiamao Zhiwei Center Party Branch,It is also an educational event。The party branch always aims to create a "first-class service provider for the operation and maintenance of intelligent coal mine systems","Changing Thoughts Around the Party Branch"、Change style、Strong service、The central idea of ​​"seeking development",Take party members as the benchmark,Promote service through party building,Optimal stock,Contributed due strength to the company。(Author: Wang Dong  Editor: Wang Yu)