Wenyuan Yingying
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Tao Ying——"To My Mentor and Helpful Friend"
Release time: 2022-09-21     Author: Tao Ying    Views: 7198    Share to:

Flowers cannot live without the support of leaves

Fish cannot live without the company of streams

Apprentices cannot do without the teachings of their masters

Ten years to grow trees, a hundred years to grow people

First meeting in July

Not long, but not short either

But the kindness is deeper than the sea

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed

Time flies, time flies like an arrow

I still remember what you said to me

Message of "Sooner or later, the strength will be reflected"

The encouragement of “Come on, I believe in you!”

Thinking back on the times we spent together day and night

Every compliment

Every encouragement

Every praise

Laugh every time

They have all become part of my life

The ever-shining night pearl

Never dim

Looking at your professionalism at work

Looking at your rigor when uploading and issuing

Looking at your concentration when you patiently explained the problem to us

Looking at your gentle eyes

My heart keeps your bright gaze

Like two clear springs

Forever running in my heart

You M88 appare always so serious and responsible

Always meticulous in doing things

My gratitude to you

No need for fancy words

Just want to say

The wind will always remember the fragrance of a flower

And I will always remember your kindness

My heart is a bird in the wilderness

Find the sky in your eyes

I will work hard to become a disciple that you can be proud of

(Hanjiawan Coal Company  Tao Ying)