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Liang Chengdong: Youth and hard work "dance"
Release time: 2022-10-17     Author: Zhang Xiangyu    Views: 6426    Share to:

Ten years is not just a simple unit of time,It also means a summary and sublimation of a life stage。Liang Chengdong’s ten years at Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company,Youth and hard work are companions,Dreams shine in struggle。

m88 casino reviewDo you still remember how you felt when you first came here more than ten years ago?

Answer:More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye,Whenever I think back to when I first walked into the door of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company,I’m still very excited。April 2009,I came to northern Shaanxi from Huining, Gansu, more than 900 kilometers away,Officially became a member of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company。A transition from student to employee,I am very excited。There were many ideas at that time,But I think the most important thing is to work down-to-earth,Actively seek advice from seniors,Continuously enrich yourself。

Q:Everyone knows that it is harder underground,What supports you to stay?

Answer:Now that you have chosen, you will not regret it。After arriving at Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company,My colleagues and leaders care about me very much,Encountering difficulties at work or in life,They are always eager to help me,I like this harmonious atmosphere。

Q:Where did m88 casino reviewthe initial growth come from?

Answer:Start with the most basic cleaning of the roadway when going down the well,Study while working,Understand the technical requirements of “one connection and three defenses” in mines and the actual underground conditions。m88 casino reviewthe initial growth comes from Master,He was also my captain when I first came here,He takes good care of me,He often said to me: "Young people should work hard,Study diligently,Good summary,There is a lot of knowledge to be learned in the mine's "one pass and three defenses"。"So I studied hard,From sealant to wind detector,From technician to deputy captain,I gained the most,Growing very fast。Now grow into a captain,I have been dealing with the "one pass and three defenses" in mines for more than ten years,Someone asked me: "Are you tired?"?”“Tired,Must be tired,But young people must work hard。”

Q:What is your most unforgettable work experience?

Answer:October 2011,Spontaneous combustion of coal pillars at the main return of 2800m in the main alley,This is also the first time I encountered an underground fire at work,Under the leadership of Master,We rush to the front,eye punch、Grouting、Nitrogen injection is fully rolled out,After 23 hours of hard work,The temperature of the coal pillar has finally dropped,Although very tired,But I feel a sense of accomplishment,At the same time, I also learned the practical M88 gameskills of on-site operation,Understand better the importance of fire prevention and extinguishing in mines。(Interview/Zhang Xiangyu)