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Yang Yongxiong Su Wei——"Xiaohui has retired"
Release time: 2022-11-11     Author: Yang Yongxiong Su Wei    Views: 6962    Share to:

Some days ago,Occasionally passing by the information building,Found "Xiao Hui" hiding in the corner alone,He no longer wears the red "shirt" that he has worn for more than ten years,The whole body is covered with dust,Looking a little lonely...

Talk about "little benefits",Many new employees don’t know him well,In fact, he was also one of the first "old employees" to come to Longhua Coal Mine in 2006 - he had an HP plotter。

Since joining the work,He has not changed jobs,I just moved offices a few times along the way。He is not tall,The wingspan is not long either,Only a maximum of 1070mm drawings can be printed at a time,If you need to print the 1:5000 mining project plan,You need to print it twice and then stick it together。Although he is small,But the drawings he printed out have clear lines、Tidy、Accurate pattern,On the work of drawing printing,Everyone always thinks that he is down-to-earth in his work、Very reliable。

Speak of love and dedication,I think “Xiao Hui” should be awarded the “Most Beautiful Employee Award”。

m88 casino reviewLast two or three years,More than 8,000 drawings were printed from him,Whether it’s windy、Raining,It’s still a public holiday,He never takes a day off,As long as necessary,He is always here。

With the rapid development of the enterprise,from 0.6Mt/a mine to 4.0Mt/a,To 10.0Mt/a 10 million tons mine,The workload is increasing,"Xiao Hui" found that her body was not as good as before,m88 casino reviewLast two or three years,From time to time, "hospitalization" treatment is required,Almost all parts of his body have been replaced,But,There are still problems with printed drawings,Recently he suffered from intermittent "high fever",Printing head hot,The colors of the lines in the drawing are not pure,"Xiaohui" is worried。Recently,Fewer people are printing drawings,“Xiaohui” also figured it out,I am getting old,It’s time to give opportunities to capable people。

With the departure of "Xiao Hui",The company has recruited another "new employee",He looks tall and mighty,Can directly print drawings with a width of 1500mm at one time,Coincidentally, his surname is also "Hui",The day I joined the company,Everyone gathered around to praise and applaud,Put on the red "shirt" for him,Started a new journey of struggle,Just,Everyone still habitually calls him "Xiaohui"。(Yang Yongxiong Su Wei)