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Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company’s green transportation supports the “double carbon” goal
Release time: 2022-11-21     Author: Zhe Xiaofei Wang Shixiong    Views: 6486    Share to:

In recent years,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company has always adhered to the M88 appenvironmental protection concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets",In the process of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality",Focus on coal mine auxiliary transportation construction,Committed to building a "less emission team"、Low pollution、Xing Energy’s transportation team,Actively and orderly promote the implementation of “green” transportation,With confidence and determination that time will not wait for me,Raising the whip and embarking on the road of green and low-carbon development transformation。


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In order to actively respond to national and local M88 appenvironmental protection policies,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company regards exhaust emissions from auxiliary transport vehicles as the focus of "green" transport construction work。

It is reported,From 2021 to present,The company is built with a transportation management system、Management model replacement and daily vehicle operation mode are the starting points。The "Auxiliary Transportation Management System" has been revised three times,Private use of auxiliary transport vehicles for buses、Make clear provisions on stopping and shutting down work vehicles。And build a transportation M88 appcommunication and dispatching platform,A new transportation model of “planning-coordination-integrated delivery” has been formed,Greatly reduce the daily traffic rate,While reducing energy consumption and saving resources,The most difficult and important step has been taken to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions。

Also,In the process of integrating transportation resources,The company actively emulates social aspects regarding buses、Operation mode of taxi,Combined with own actual situation,Operation of underground "bus line",Departure at fixed point、Designated pickup。


Low pollution, equipment upgrade "Second Company"

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools。As understood,To paint this picture of safety、Green、Picture of win-win development。2020,The company is under great operating pressure in the mine、In case of financial difficulties,Carrying out drastic reforms to the paratransit system,Resolutely invested more than 10 million yuan,Completed the exhaust emission upgrade of trackless rubber-tyred vehicles (National II to National III)、Vehicle exhaust CO purification device installation project。

According to introduction,Except for equipment exhaust emission modification,The company has also made great efforts in dynamically meeting the standards for exhaust emissions from transportation equipment,Entrust the Yulin Urban and Rural Engineering Machinery Management Service Center to apply for the M88 appenvironmental protection "ID card" for explosion-proof vehicles,Implementing one vehicle, one license,Inspection once a year,Resolutely eliminate high energy consumption、Highly polluting transportation equipment。

“Revitalize” energy and cultivate green development engine

June 2020,The company’s first new energy explosion-proof manned vehicle was put into operation in the mine。One stone stirs up a thousand waves。Use of new energy equipment,With zero emissions、Low noise、Low noise、High lifespan、The powerful advantage of easy maintenance,Completely solved the high pollution of diesel vehicles、High fuel consumption、High noise、Low lifespan、Shortcomings such as difficulty in maintenance。Also guides the development direction of "green" transportation。Afterwards,The company continues to increase the use of new energy,Now it has completely replaced explosion-proof diesel vehicles,Fully responsible for the transportation of shift workers in the main shaft。

“Building green transportation,We must explore new energy sources,This is also an organic combination of the ‘double carbon’ goal and the company’s green transportation construction。" said the party branch secretary of the auxiliary transportation team。Under the "double carbon" goal,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company is engaged in safe, efficient and green production in minesLow carbonTry first in development、Continue to explore,Integrate green development into mine auxiliary transportation M88 loginwork,Next step,The company will continue to unswervingly promote the construction of "green" transportation,Strive to build a green and low-carbon、Safe and intelligent transportation system,Hand in a green answer sheet for high-quality development。(Zhe Xiaofei Wang Shixiong)