Sunjiacha Longhua Mining m88 online sports betting has always adhered to the environmental protection concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets"
Reduce emissions and consolidate basic management
Sunjiacha Longhua Mining m88 online sports betting regards exhaust emissions from auxiliary transport vehicles as the focus of "green" transport construction work
Management model replacement and daily vehicle operation mode are the starting points
The m88 online sports betting actively emulates social aspects regarding buses
Low pollution, equipment upgrade "Second m88 online sports betting"
Completed the exhaust emission upgrade of trackless rubber-tyred vehicles (National II to National III)
Entrust Yulin Urban and Rural Engineering Machinery Management Service Center to apply for the environmental protection "ID card" for explosion-proof vehicles
“Revitalize” energy and cultivate green development engine
The m88 online sports betting first new energy explosion-proof manned vehicle was put into operation in the mine
This is also an organic combination of the ‘double carbon’ goal and the m88 online sports betting green transportation constructionLow carbonThe m88 online sports betting will continue to unswervingly promote the construction of "green" transportation