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The first large mining height working face of Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine was successfully connected
Release time: 2022-12-12     Author: Wang Dongdong Jack Ma    Views: 6390    Share to:

“Hello,Dispatcher,I am Meng Yonggang, deputy captain of the first comprehensive excavation team,20202 belt tunnel excavation working face has been completed。”1:00 am on December 12th,With the integrated anchor digging machine completing the last cutting operation in the 20202 belt conveyor lane,The dispatch and command center of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company received good news。

20202 working face is the first large mining height working face in Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine,The average coal seam thickness is 6.8m,The total length of the working surface belt conveyor lane is 3965 meters,Alley High 4.8m,Lane width 6.2 meters。

Facing the tunnel roof, there is a lot of water,M88 loginDirect bottom lithology is soft,Difficulty in moving equipment,Long material transportation route、Problems such as insufficient personnel,Mine management personnel make judgments in advance,All departments actively coordinate and cooperate,Clear construction tasks,Focus on the key points、Conducted external research and internal discussions on difficult issues and possible risks and hazards,and proposed management、Technical solutions。

Under construction,Coal mine safety officers and safety management personnel keep an eye on the construction site,Strictly implement the standardized management system excavation standards,Comprehensively implement safety standards for working face penetrations,Follow the team leader and take command、Take initiative,Ensure that the construction of the working face proceeds in an orderly manner。

In the process of passing,Leadership、Team leader、Tile inspectors are keeping an eye on the scene,Report air volume and toxic and harmful gas conditions in a timely manner;After penetration,The wind surveyor adjusted the ventilation system in time,Ensure the safety, stability and reliability of the working surface ventilation system。

After 6 months of joint efforts from relevant coal mine departments and all members of the comprehensive excavation team,Completed the long-distance working face penetration to high standards,After the working face starts pushing and mining,Annual coal output is nearly 8 million tons,will be responsible for the mine’s main production targets and continuing tasks next year。

It is reported,Belt conveyor tunnel excavation working face section 30 square meters,Strike length is nearly 4 kilometers,At the same time, it has refreshed many records such as the largest excavation section and the longest working face since the mine was established。The penetration of this working face,This means that Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine has begun to meet the conditions to cancel night shift production at the allotment working face,It will create better working conditions for front-line district team employees;Due to the large thickness of the coal seam,Coal quality will be further improved,Economic benefits are further highlighted;Also reduced the mining ratio,Creating favorable conditions for the continuation of mine production。(Wang Dongdong Ma Yun)