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Endeavouring Shaanxi Coal
Release time: 2022-12-01     Author: Ye Yang Li Dong    Views: 6230    Share to:

Yulin in early winter,Facing the most severe test since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia。11Since mid-month,m88 casinoNorth Shaanxi Mining Company takes positive action,Active action,A series of "combination punches" to fight the epidemic and stabilize production and supply,Strive to "strengthen both sides of the epidemic prevention production"、Both correct”,Earnestly shoulder the responsibility of fighting the epidemic and ensuring supply,Resolutely prevent the epidemic、Production must be stable、Development must be safe。

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Since the outbreak,Northern Shaanxi Mining Industry firmly establishes bottom-line thinking,Continue to strengthen the awareness of danger、Risk awareness,Always tighten the strings of epidemic prevention and control,In combination with various epidemic prevention and control measures issued by Yulin City,Consolidate prevention and control responsibilities at all levels,Accurately implement prevention and control measures,Ensuring epidemic prevention in all aspects、Production is in order。

With the implementation of silent management in some areas of Shenmu City,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company held a special meeting on epidemic prevention and control as soon as possible,Start emergency plan immediately,Implement closed-loop management of mining areas。Established7Special class for epidemic prevention and control, advancing10grid unit management,Do a good job in emergency support,Implement various prevention and control measures,Ensuring the safety of employees。

Hanjiawan Coal Company conducts daily epidemic prevention inspections,Focus on checking the inspection of outsiders and vehicles at each gate、Registration status of vacation personnel’s track records、Enforcement of epidemic prevention work disciplines, etc.,And report the inspection status at the dispatch meeting the next day,Promptly supervise and rectify M88 gameexisting problems,Signed the "Letter of Commitment on Epidemic Prevention and Control" with all employees and outsourcing units,Ensure that all epidemic prevention measures are implemented。

Company authority、Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch、Shennan Mining Company and Jiaheng Construction Company strictly implement various epidemic prevention work requirements in Yuyang District,Fully provide epidemic prevention and logistics support for employees。At the same time,Actively fulfill social responsibilities,Organize left-behind personnel on duty to go into the community to express condolences,Sending instant noodles to community workers fighting on the frontline of the epidemic、Fruit、Drinks and other charity items,Support local epidemic prevention and control work。

Focus on the main business, ensure production, and take up the banner of stabilizing production, improving quality and ensuring supply

North Shaanxi Mining shall comply with the deployment requirements of Shaanxi Coal Group on ensuring coal supply,Constantly carry out "steady growth、Risk Prevention、Strong Work Style” Theme Labor Competition,Under the premise of ensuring safety,Take multiple measures to increase production and efficiency,Guarantee adequate supply of coal,Strive to achieve the annual safety production and operation goals smoothly。

To effectively ensure safe production during special periods,The company shifts the focus of safety management to the production site,Clear the work responsibilities of each unit,Strengthen key units、Inspection of hidden dangers in key places,Following, supervising, implementing and rectifying,Effectively eliminate safety hazards。

The actual situation of the mine’s combined fully mechanized mining working face,Develop m88 casinomonthly raw coal output task plan,And specify the task to the number of knives that the comprehensive mining team needs to complete every day,Compacting responsibility layer by layer,Ensure the successful completion of production tasks。Hanjiawan Coal Company single-shift coal cutting increased compared with the same period20%;Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company11month22Daily mine output reaches4.09Ten thousand tons, a record high in history.

On the basis of ensuring stable coal production,Pay close attention to equipment upgrades and mining layout optimization,Forecasting from geological prediction、Start with process optimization and other aspects,Continuously strengthen organizational production capabilities,Provide favorable conditions for improving tunneling efficiency。Promote full life cycle management of electromechanical equipment,Consolidating the safety production responsibility of the charterer,Strengthen preventive maintenance and repair of equipment,Guarantee the integrity rate and operation rate of electromechanical equipment,Create good conditions for safe and efficient production。11In March, Hanjiawan Coal Company completed the work one week ahead of schedule214202Comprehensive mining face equipment withdrawal task,Smart fast excavation daily footage breakthrough in half coal and rock tunnel45meter, single banda22meters, to achieve monthly footage1000Mi provides a strong guarantee.

In coal sales,Hanjiawan Coal Company strengthens coal blending、Monitoring of the entire process of washing and selecting lump coal,Ensure stable and reliable coal quality,And actively create a sunshine sales brand,Make full use of the smart sales platform,Comprehensively improve coal hauling efficiency,Ensuring the balance of coal production and sales。Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company targets102Panel and302Coal quality management work for joint mining of medium-thick coal seams in the panel area,Make good predictions on coal quality;Strengthen communication with railway stations,Designate a person to be responsible for the communication,According to mine production plan、Output and consumption demand of downstream thermal coal enterprises,Reasonably adjust the frequency of coal transportation vehicles and trains to the station,Ensuring coal output、Selling fast。At the same time, we strictly implement the “separation of production and sales” and “landing inspection” in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control policy、Floor-mounted control measures,Ensure timely shipment of trucks。(Ye Yang Li Dong)