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Inventory of 2022 series of reports ①
Release time: 2023-01-03     Author: Ye Yang    Views: 7694    Share to:

The years have witnessed hard work, and hard work has written brilliant chapters. Just said goodbye2022Year,It is the organization of all levels of Shaanxi Mining Company and the majority of cadres and workers who celebrate the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Responsibility for coal supply,The battle to conquer territory and open up new territories,Promote management change,Building a shield for epidemic prevention and control,Turn "mission statement" into "responsibility field",Turn "unified examination questions" into "new answer sheets",Relay forge ahead、Move forward bravely,Comprehensively M88 gamecreated a new situation in building a first-class demonstration enterprise with high quality development。


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The company conscientiously implements the annual work deployment of Shaanxi Coal Group,Resolutely implement stable growth from superiors、Guarantee supply work requirements,Special class to promote production organization、Sales coordination and other core business,Continuous release of high-quality production capacity,Successfully accomplished all the goals for the year,Hand in the excellent answer sheet on the way to the new exam。

On production scale,The company actively promotes production capacity improvement,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company’s approved production capacity100010,000 tons/, the approved production capacity of Hanjiawan Coal Company was restored to40010,000 tons/Year。Hanjiawan Coal Company applies the country's first set of low-profile intelligent anchor digging and anchoring integrated machine fast digging equipment,Half coal and rock fast excavation single advance upgraded to800meter/Month.Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company applies two sets of intelligent rapid excavation systems to upgrade single advance to1100meter/Month.

In production organization,The company continues to deepen “one excellence and three reductions”,Solidly promote “Three Excellences and Two Improvements”,Actively optimize tunnel layout、Labor organization and support parameters。Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company was established7Maximum mining height350Mer long fully mechanized mining face, Hanjiawan Coal Company"110”The construction method successfully retained the lane and reused it1975M. The two mines were awarded " by Shaanxi Province and China Coal Association respectively.2020-2021Honorary title of "Special Safe and Efficient Mine of the Year"。Hanjiawan Coal Company passed the first-level coal mine on-site grading assessment of the National Safety Production Standardization Management System。

In sales management,The company strictly implements the national price limit and supply policy,Continuous optimization of transportation structure,Continue to promote the construction of smart transportation and marketing systems,Achieved smooth sales、Production and sales balance,The annual comprehensive coal selling prices and sales profits of the two mines hit record highs。Refining coal quality management measures,Intensify spot checks on coal quality、M88 appCheck frequency、Number and coverage,The "three consumption" indicators of coal preparation have been significantly reduced,Hanjiawan Coal Company newly added2honorary titles of national famous brand products.


Strengthen management and increase vitality

In security management,Company comparison with new regulations、New standard revised and improved20Remaining safety management system。Strengthening the prevention and control of major disasters in coal mines,Solidly promote the construction of dual prevention mechanisms and special safety actions,Completed9aspects32A security task, summarized and formed12Institutional achievements,14experience results。Carry out safety inspection、Special inspection、Supervision forms such as staying at the mine and staying in the mine,Carry out regular safety inspections,No general or above safety production accidents occurred throughout the year、General and above fire accidents、Liability accident involving risk,Safe production continues to be stable。

On ecological and environmental protection,The company has formulated the "Three-dimensional Ecological Environmental Protection Management and Assessment and Evaluation Methods",Established148Environmental protection responsibility system for each position。Strengthening the normal management of green mines,Participated in Shaanxi Province’s “Coal Mine Green Mine Construction Specifications” etc.3Standard formulation,Filling the gap in local standards。Carry out special rectification activities,Fully promote ecological restoration and management,Cumulative investment funds690610,000 yuan,Implementing mining geological environment restoration and land reclamation project20item。Hanjiawan Coal Company、Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company has built a mine geological environment dynamic monitoring and early warning system,Sequentially7Carry out ecological management and land restoration in coal mining face subsidence areas4403mu, realizing full life cycle management of mining ecology.

On incremental business,The company completed Xiaohaotu No. 1、Extension of the No. 3 Minefield Exploration Rights Retention,And the preparation of five pairs of mine water conservation coal mining test plans;Two pairs of mines activated43Procedures。Coordinate and promote the overall project plan、Planning environmental impact assessment preparation m88 casino reviewand other work,Yushen Phase III Master Plan (revised) has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission,Xiaohaotu No. 1 Coal Mine Project is listed as a new mine;The environmental impact assessment of the fourth phase of Yushen has been submitted to the National Environmental Impact Assessment Center for preliminary review。Jiaheng Construction Management Company obtained real estate development qualification,Completed the preliminary engineering design of the project construction、Engineering Consulting、Feasibility study report and other work。

Gather energy and achieve great results

The company further promotes the reform of state-owned enterprises and makes it clear12aspects,50Key reform tasks,Create work ledger、Consolidate the main responsibility、Strengthen supervision and assessment,Optimized82Item “Three Meetings” Rights and Responsibilities List。Carry out comprehensive competition for management personnel,The number of managers competing for positions reaches the total number of managers30% or more。Continue to deepen the reform of the three systems,Establish a performance appraisal mechanism for all employees,Promote salary distribution to tilt towards key core positions and grassroots front lines,Effectively play the motivating and constraining role of performance pay。Research results of the company’s “Three System Reform Practices”,Won the first prize of Shaanxi Coal Industry Management Innovation Practice Award。

The company adheres to the work philosophy of "Talent is the first resource",Continuously optimize talent selection、Yu、Use、tube。Increase efforts in selecting outstanding young managers,Promoted throughout the year13managers,80Back proportion77%。Organize and carry out various quality improvement training and vocational skills education and training,Cumulative training throughout the year3254person times。Strengthen the construction of highly skilled talent team,In the Shaanxi Province “Sanqin Craftsman” competition,The company won the second prize for the group and individual1Gold,3Silver,3Excellent results in Bronze;Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company’s “Wang Zhongke Skill Master Studio” won the honorary title of “National Coal Industry Skill Master Studio”,Feng Bingbing of Hanjiawan Coal Company、Mao Hao of Information Technology Operation and Maintenance M88 appBranch won the honorary title of “National Coal Industry Skills Master”。

The company’s special class promotes “smart mines、Smart Mining Area、Construction of “First-class Enterprise”,Completed successively43intelligent construction tasks,Hanjiawan Coal Company、Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company has the acceptance conditions for intermediate intelligent coal mines;Formation7Xiang Intelligent Mine、Smart mining area construction achievement case。The information technology operation and maintenance branch was established,Further build a professional team that integrates intelligent construction and operation and maintenance in the entire mining area。Continue to promote technological innovation,"Research and Application of Safe and Intelligent Mining Technology for Ultra-Long Working Faces", etc.6Scientific and technological achievements have passed the appraisal and reached the international advanced level;"Research and Demonstration of Key Technologies for Water Resources Protection and Utilization and Ecological Reconstruction in Northern Shaanxi Coal Mining Areas" etc.5Scientific and technological achievements won the China Coal Association Science and Technology Progress Award。Solidly promote “mass entrepreneurship and innovation” for all employees,Recognized innovation project1300item, effect creation2.2Billion yuan. (Ye Yang)