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Mo Yang——"Black Rose"
Release time: 2023-02-22     Author: Mo Yang    Views: 4700    Share to:

I am a black rose blooming in the sea of ​​coal

I yearn for the bright spring and the gorgeous colors

But, this can only be an imaginary life

Because, I bloom next to the roaring machine

Blooming at the window for receiving miner’s lamp

Blooming in the rotating heavenly wheel

But this does not affect my yearning for beauty

I am a delicate rose

Growing quietly in the embrace of the sun

Like a happy bird

Flying freely above the traffic and crowds

If time never changes

I may become a beautiful rose

Flowing in the bustling streets

The scenery that decorates the city

A chance

I become a black rose

Walking through the shadows of unfamiliar buildings

For this reason, I suffer, feel depressed, and fall

Like a beautiful bird

Lost the clear sky

Time passes little by little

The color gradually disappears

The world outside is so exciting that it’s dizzying

Sometimes, I look at myself

Black leaves, black petals

I couldn’t help but burst into tears

Many flowers and plants that were with me

They are swaying in the warm spring breeze

They even complained

Popular colors disrupt young dreams

The seasons exile the fair face

I can’t suppress the sadness in my heart

Until one day, I saw coal

A black substance

At the moment of being thrown into the furnace

A drop of red tears flowed out

At that moment, I cried speechlessly

Shocking is more touching than beauty

I see people in the warmth of coal

Learn, sing, and live happily

Is this the coal I am familiar with

Are you afraid of coal staining your clean gloves?

I can’t imagine that in a thousand years of silence

How to grieve and sing

Coal, like a meteor sliding across the night sky

Lonely and noble, ordinary and mysterious

I am the black rose blooming in the sea of ​​coal

Ordinary, simple, gentle woman like a mining area

Blooming in the eyes of coal.

In your eyes, I am the sonorous rose

Waiting for coal-black fingers

Because, coal will wait for me in the idiom that a hundred steps can cross the Yang

Wait for me to pierce the heart with an arrow and travel through the vast time and space