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People’s Daily reports on Shaanxi Coal Group’s scientific and technological innovation on the front page
Release time: 2023-03-27     Author: Wang Lewen Gao Bing    Views: 4558    Share to:

People's Daily March 26, 2023 front page

Shaanxi state-owned enterprises strengthen independent innovation——

Intelligent manufacturing improves efficiency and extends the chain to create value

Xi’an, March 25th (Reporter Wang Lewen)、Gao Bing) click the mouse,You can mine coal。In the No. 1 Coal Mine of Huangling Mining Industry of Shaanxi Coal Group,Technician Zhao Peng walks into the "5G+Transparent Geology" intelligent dispatch control center,Tap the button,The system “acts upon hearing orders”——

The giant wheel of the coal shearer rolls up and down,Like cutting bread,The hard coal seam was chipped off,And then being transported to the ground continuously... Panoramic HD,Safe and accurate。Big working surface,No one is seen。“Take off the ‘black hat’,Relying on 5G communication,Relying on 5G communication、Geological exploration and other technological support。" Zhao Peng said。

Currently,Shaanxi Coal Group takes the lead in the industry to carry out data standardization management and intelligent private network construction,Eight major intelligent information systems have been launched online,Built 5 smart mining areas、28 smart mines;Develop and apply 76 sets of intelligent quick excavation systems、198 intelligent robots,M88 gameIntelligent production capacity accounts for 99%。

Intelligent manufacturing improves efficiency,Extending the chain to create value。Shaanxi old state-owned enterprises,Contemplating new business formats。

Pipe Gallery、Storage tank、Compressor、Reactors and other devices are arranged in an orderly manner。Into Yulin City Yushen Industrial Park,What comes into view is the large-scale coal chemical project under construction - the coal quality separation and utilization of new chemical materials demonstration project。

"For it,worth it!”Pick up the glass bottle containing the ethylene glycol product,Song Shijie, Chairman of Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd. said。October last year,As the focus of the first phase of the project,Yulin Chemical’s 1.8 million tons/year ethylene glycol project successfully produces polyester grade ethylene glycol products。As of the end of 2022,Achieve ethylene glycol production 23.80,000 tons。

"Project via Coal Pyrolysis、Gasification and other deep processing,Can effectively improve the quantity and quality of high-end chemicals,Promote the high-quality development of the new materials industry。"Introduced by Song Shijie,After the project is completed and put into operation,The annual industrial added value is expected to reach 113 billion yuan。

New momentum is surging, and independent innovation and technological breakthroughs are crucial.

In Baoti Group, a subsidiary of Shaanxi Nonferrous Metals,The "Inconloy Alloy Strip Coil" project was M88 appsuccessfully implemented。Inconloy Alloy,Widely used in oil and gas pipelines、Chemical equipment and other industrial manufacturing。Previously,All the alloy strips used in China in marine anti-corrosion and other fields rely on imports。“We design independently、R&D,Solved this ‘stuck neck’ problem。" said Lei Rangqi, head of Baoti Group。

Strengthen scientific research strength,Cultivation of independent innovation。2022,Shaanxi Nonferrous Metals Group completes R&D investment 11.5.5 billion yuan,Obtained 64 patent authorizations,Develop 14 new products,Breaking foreign blockades in the fields of "target materials for large high-definition displays", "vacuum electron beam cooling bed melting furnaces", "atomic fluorescence analysis and testing instruments",Realize domestic substitution and batch application。

“Pursue innovation at a global level,Building new momentum for high-quality development of enterprises、New advantages。”Introduction by the relevant person in charge of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shaanxi Province,2022,Provincial enterprise R&D investment 226.900 million yuan、38 year-on-year increase.5%;Relying on Qin Chuangyuan,A total of 157 enterprise-school collaborative R&D projects have been carried out,16 incubated technology companies,Start 9 achievement transformation projects,Remarkable results in technological innovation and industry leadership。

It is reported,To further m88 casino reviewencourage enterprises to strengthen independent innovation,Shaanxi has recently formulated measures,By 2025,Strive to achieve 100% coverage of R&D institutions of provincial state-owned industrial enterprises above designated size。