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Zhang Lin: This factory director is not simple
Release time: 2023-03-30     Author: Ai Feng    Views: 5638    Share to:

21:10 pm,When I walked into the centralized control room of the coal washing plant of Hanjiawan Coal Company,Director Zhang M88 loginLin is seriously studying the intelligent coal washing related operating system with the mechanical and electrical maintenance personnel... This is his seventh consecutive overtime night,To fully understand and master the intelligent washing process。

From pump worker to technician,To the deputy director,Until the factory director。8 years,Zhang Lin has no rhetoric,Only hard work and hard work;Not complacent,Only hard work and innovation,Interpret and write the exemplary style of coal miners in the new era with practical actions。


March 6, 2023,It is of extraordinary significance to Zhang Lin,Passed the early stage training and assessment,Successfully competed to be appointed as the "Gold Medal District Captain" of Northern Shaanxi Mining Company。One time,His growth experience has become a hot topic for discussion and learning among workers in the mining area。

“Can be hired as the ‘Gold Medal District Captain’,I feel honored。" Zhang Lin said excitedly,"From now on,I can only work harder,Only then can I be worthy of the honor given to me by the organization。”

Love learning、Research carefully、Being willing to endure hardship is the unanimous evaluation of Zhang Lin by her colleagues。In interview,A worn notebook caught my attention,After opening,The dense fonts record in detail his study notes and experiences over the past few years。He said after work,Always be strict with yourself,Continuous pursuit of knowledge updates,Improve business capabilities and management level。


It is with this tireless learning spirit,Zhang Lin solved one problem after another in production safety,Years of work experience and hard work,Enabled him to master the various operating essentials of the washing system,From assistant engineer to M88 appengineer,Become a technical generalist in the eyes of colleagues。What is even more interesting is that,As a manager,He never forgets to stick to his position、The original intention of serving employees。

Zhang Lin knows that safety is the top priority in the development of coal washing plants,For this,What he emphasizes the most every day is safety work。At the scene,He is always the first to inspect the work area for potential safety hazards,Organize and deal with hidden dangers as soon as possible,Never sloppily。Facing "three violations" of employees at work,He never tolerates it,Always do "one person makes mistakes,The whole factory is warned”。

In Zhang Lin’s eyes,Safe production is the guide for all actions,Never make excuses for difficulties,Only "obey and complete",Always put it wherever you want,Wherever you put it, it will be stronger”。


Since serving as the director of the coal washing plant,Zhang Lin organized the revision and improvement of 14 safety management systems,Proposed and implemented the “344 Safety Management Work Law”,Promote security management to upgrade,Achieve safe production and smooth operation。Under his leadership,The coal washing plant has been awarded honorary titles such as "High Quality and Efficient Coal Washing Plant" and "Top Ten Coal Preparation Plants in the Country" by the National Coal Processing and Utilization Association。

Production tasks are overfulfilled every month,Ranked among the best in standardized evaluation every quarter,Such results,It’s hard to imagine that this was achieved by a team with only about 40 people in daily attendance。In Zhang Lin’s team,Although there are not many people,But morale is very high。This is due to his setting an example,The result of taking the lead in setting an example。

At the production site,Employees can see Zhang Lin’s busy figure every day。When catching up with production tension or major overhaul,He always takes the lead and comes early and leaves late,Participating in "battles" with fellow workers is a common occurrence。From production safety to equipment maintenance,From technological innovation to intelligent transformation,Every job is filled with his hard work and sweat。

Since this year,Facing the unfavorable factors caused by the conditions of underground coal seams and changes in coal quality,Zhang Lin insists on scientific organization,Reasonably arrange production tasks,Strengthening mechanical and electrical maintenance,Optimizing the washing process,Reward the good and punish the bad,Under the premise of ensuring that the coal quality reaches the standard,Guarantee the successful completion of various production targets。

In addition,With its own professional knowledge,Combined with actual production,Zhang Lin has been actively promoting process optimization and technological innovation。Has been the lead creator and completed more than 20 innovative projects including "A Magnetic Separator Tailings Recovery Device" and "A Mine Internal Safety Power Supply Equipment",Greatly reduce the labor intensity of employees,Improved production efficiency。

Meanwhile,As the person in charge of the coal washing plant,Zhang Lin actively creates a talent growth platform,Continuously promote the construction of the workforce。Exercise through job rotation、Master and apprentice、Skill Appraisal、Technical competition and other measures,Opened the talent training channel。In recent years,Has trained 9 college student class leaders,37 operators above intermediate level。

Don’t accumulate steps,Nothing can reach a thousand miles。All the way,Zhang Lin’s sweat is swaying in every corner of the coal washing plant,Using diligence and wisdom to fulfill the solemn oath of a coal mine manager,Adds brilliant brilliance to the high-quality development of the enterprise。

"I will focus on the working ideas of coal washing plant '126',Take the initiative,Active actions,Always work with a hard and simple style,Continue to use your own light and heat。”When talking about the next step,Zhang Lin said confidently。(Ai Feng)