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Fan Guangdong——"Spring in Northern Shaanxi"
Release time: 2023-03-30     Author: Fan Guangdong    Views: 4486    Share to:

Affected by geographical environment and latitude,Spring always comes late in northern Shaanxi、Leaving early。Often many places have returned from the journey of "Fireworks Under Yangzhou in March",People living in northern Shaanxi are still looking forward to the "human face and peach blossoms complementing each other" in the cold.。    

The highest temperature in Sunjiacha Town where I am located these days is nearly 20 degrees,The weather is getting warmer。People who were wearing down jackets a few days ago started wearing short sleeves today。No wonder many people say that sacred trees only have two seasons in a year, summer and winter,No Spring and Autumn。Sunjiacha Town is administratively divided into Shenmu City, Yulin, Northern Shaanxi,Geographically close to Ordos, Inner Mongolia,So the temperature is between northern Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia。A week ago, the scenery in Guanzhong, southern Shaanxi was already green and pink,Except for the gray in winter on the mountains of Sunjiacha,It seems there is no spring at all,No matter how anxiously the people living in this land look forward to her,She still hides herself quietly,As if being held back by winter,Slowly, one step at a time, three times back and forth, staggering forward with broken steps,After the temperature has risen in the past few days, it seems to have calmly changed into the colors of spring。    

In my memory, the spring in northern Shaanxi often continues the cold and windy climate characteristics of winter。The wind usually blows intermittently from the end of autumn of the first year to March of the next year。The sandstorm is coming again these days,Whenever strong wind comes,The temperature will drop suddenly,After the strong wind,The temperature is slowly rising。When the wind blows, sand will always be blown up,Dust everywhere,The loess dust in the air is floating everywhere,It makes it difficult to open your eyes。People who are wrapped in winter clothes will scold spring as a puppet that is wantonly manipulated by winter,Like a baby that won’t grow up,I have been sheltered by winter and cannot stand on my own。    

In fact, the real spring in northern Shaanxi,It’s come as a surprise,When the snow in the shade completely melts,The ice in the river has completely melted,The spring rain begins to fall,It can give people the fragrance of flowers on sunny days after rain,The fragrance of earth,When I see the blue sky that I haven’t seen for a long time。This is the arrival of spring in northern Shaanxi,However, the weather is so good,No one would have thought that the breeze on a sunny day would suddenly become biting,Then shouting,A strong wind blew up,The spring breeze that was just warm and lovely will quickly lose its rationality,Manic like a man possessed。The telephone pole whined in the wind,Howling like a frightened child,The yellow wind carries the sand and dust and rages at will,Some broken branches and leaves M88 loginon the ground scattered in the wind,Nowhere to hide。People who have just changed into spring clothes quickly look for shelter from the wind,He kept cursing the damn wind。The world is in chaos,No color,No life,Everything is drowned in the billowing yellow dust,This sudden silence makes the shadow of spring disappear without a trace。It was sunny and sunny just a moment ago、Beautiful scenery,It was devastated the next moment,This is the fickle and heavy spring in northern Shaanxi。    

When the weather returns to calm the next day,You will see "February and August" in spring、The scene of "dressing indiscriminately"。Girls who love beauty are anxious to wear beautiful dresses for the summer,There are also people who still wear long windbreakers and down jackets to survive the winter,Young men wear short-sleeved pants to keep cool,Some also wear leather jackets and fleece warm pants,Even some older people will wear the same tight and warm clothes as they did during the cold weather。This is the spring in northern Shaanxi that feels like winter and summer。    

When people who are afraid of the cold just escape the cold of winter and take off their thick winter clothes,Put on a thinner shirt and prepare to enjoy the comfort of spring,Suddenly,Summer has completed an unceremonious change of seasons。    

Spring in northern Shaanxi always comes inadvertently like this,Died again without noticing,It will make some lovers sad,Sighing that the spring in northern Shaanxi is like human youth,I always feel very M88 loginyoung,Many things will happen tomorrow,No one has deliberately preserved it,Let it sneak away between your fingers,When I suddenly realized it,The years are gone,We are no longer young。A year’s plan starts with spring,Spring is blooming now,Cherish and cherish。(Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company Fan Guangdong)