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Sales Coordination Department of Northern Shaanxi Mining Company: Visits and surveys to promote development
Release time: 2023-05-11     Author: Hao Zhiyong    Views: 4888    Share to:

Recently,The market research team of the Sales Coordination Department of Northern Shaanxi Mining Company M88 appwent to Shenmu Yanjiata Industrial Park for research,Go to Sihai Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.、Shaanxi Hengde Coal and Char Electrochemical Co., Ltd.、Shaanxi Haojiang Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. conducted a visit and survey,Aiming to accurately grasp customer needs,Deeply dig into potential users,Comprehensive grasp of market dynamics。

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The research team first conducted an on-site visit to Sihai Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.,At the symposium,Both parties discuss the company’s production and operations、Coal resources、In-depth discussions and communication on risk prevention and control,And hope that both parties will further strengthen communication,Exchange information,Improve service quality,Enhance strategic partnership。Subsequently,Learn more about the facilities and equipment at Shaanxi Hengde Coal and Coke Electrochemical Co., Ltd.、Resource advantages、Service functions, etc.,Both parties conducted m88 casino reviewin-depth exchanges on the current coal processing market,Hope both sides will continue to enhance understanding,Continuously deepen the cooperative relationship。

Exchange through this visit,The Sales Coordination Department will further leverage its own advantages,Work together to explore new development models,Expand to a wider area、Deeper strategic cooperation,To broaden sales channels、Provide a solid guarantee to help the company improve quality and efficiency。(Hao Zhiyong)