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Hanjiawan Coal Company: Flood emergency drill is "real"
Release time: 2023-06-12     Author: Lei Hao Zhang Bo    Views: 4904    Share to:

"Report to the dispatch room,I am Fan Hongbin, the follower of the continuous mining team,223101 There is a flood danger in every corner,The amount of water continues to increase,The water level has risen rapidly..." Recently,The dispatch and command center of Hanjiawan Coal Company rang a rapid phone ring,A flood accident emergency rescue drill officially begins。


Danger is an order,Rescue is responsibility。"Start the emergency rescue plan for flood accidents immediately,Notify all personnel underground to stop operations,Quickly and orderly evacuate along flood evacuation routes,Members of each emergency team perform their respective duties,Carry out relevant M88 appwork in accordance with the emergency rescue plan for flood accidents..." After receiving the report,The company’s rescue commander immediately ordered the activation of the emergency rescue plan for flood accidents。

“Rescue squadron personnel carrying flood accident rescue equipment have assembled at the wellhead,Please indicate。”“The medical rescue team has been assembled,Please indicate。”“The logistics support team has carried out partition management of the rescue site,Set alerts at various points,Please indicate。”…Each team acted quickly according to the commander-in-chief’s arrangements,Emergency rescue work is advancing in an intense and orderly manner。

8:59,Except one trapped person,The rest of the well workers on duty have all ascended;According to the tasks assigned by the command center,The rescue squadron immediately entered the well to investigate the disaster,Rescue people in distress and implement drainage plan;9:59,The trapped people were lifted into the well with the help of rescuers,And handed over to on-site medical staff for further examination;10:07,The four water pumps installed underground m88 casinoare running normally,The water accumulation is gradually reducing,The drill ended successfully。

"There is no script for this exercise,Each emergency rescue team can carry out their work according to their respective responsibilities,Also able to adapt to changes,Modify and adjust the rescue plan in a timely manner according to the on-site situation,Successfully completed this exercise mission。”Summary and Analysis Meeting,Each group reported on the work progress,The commander-in-chief made detailed comments,Proposed existing problems and improvement measures。

This flood accident emergency rescue drill comprehensively tested the scientific nature and operability of the mine emergency plan,Strengthened the coordination and cooperation capabilities of various functional departments in responding to emergencies,Further enhanced the bottom line thinking and red line awareness of the majority of cadres and workers,Promote "Everyone knows how to respond to emergencies and everyone pays attention to safety",Laid a solid safety foundation for high-quality development of mines。(Lei Hao Zhang Bo)