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The automatic fire prevention and extinguishing system in the main tunnel of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company is put into use
Release time: 2023-06-23     Author: Sun Ning    Views: 3970    Share to:

Recently,The automatic fire prevention and extinguishing system in the main tunnel of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company is put into use,This system can provide safety protection for the main tunnel belt conveyor,Can effectively prevent the occurrence of fire,It can also realize automatic M88 logindust reduction、Gas detection and other functions。


As understood,This system includes automatic fire warning system and automatic fire extinguishing system。The automatic fire warning system consists of an optical fiber temperature measurement host and a temperature measurement optical cable,Can conduct real-time monitoring of fire hazard points in the main tunnel tape、Online、Continuous temperature monitoring without blind spots,And can provide the main abyss tape 0.Temperature distribution and positioning within 5m accuracy。The automatic fire extinguishing system uses an integrated electric ball valve,Supported smoke sensor,When the smoke sensor detects that the smoke value exceeds the standard,Output high level signal,Control the electric ball valve to open,Sprinkle water through sprinkler heads to extinguish the fire。    

"The automatic fire extinguishing system can set up to 255 zones,At the same time, the temperature alarm value is set for each partition,The system can update the maximum M88 gametemperature value of each partition in real time。”According to Tian Ru, the company’s deputy chief ventilation engineer,When the maximum temperature of a certain partition exceeds the limit value,The automatic fire extinguishing system can automatically open the electric ball valve in the corresponding zone,Spray water to put out the fire。    

In recent years,The company vigorously promotes the construction of intelligent mines,Insist on using technology to empower high-quality development of mines,The automatic fire prevention and extinguishing system of the main level is put into use,The company’s intelligent mine construction has taken another solid step。(Sun Ning)