Study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
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Release time: 2023-06-25     Author: Xie Pei    Views: 5860    Share to:

Days ago,Shi Yamin, deputy general manager of Shaanbei Mining Company, leads the planning and development department、Safety Supervision and Management Department、Relevant personnel of Shennan Mining Company,Go to Baotu Village, Xiaohaotu Township, Yuyang District, Yulin City,Passed to Yu Shen San、Research in rural areas of the fourth phase of undeveloped mining areas,Carry out investigation and research work with the theme of "Research on Methods and Paths to Promote Speed ​​and Efficiency of Xiaohaotu Coal Mine Project"。


Under investigation,Shi Yamin had in-depth exchanges with the village committee and village representatives,Get to know the local village committee、The villagers’ true willingness and attitude towards opening M88 logina coal mine,And promoting rural revitalization、New urbanization construction、Modern agriculture, etc.,Planning and needs of Baotu Village。

Subsequently,The research team immediately held a group discussion,Summary and analysis of this survey。Shi Yamin emphasized,Passed this survey,We truly understand the true attitude of local village-level cadres and the masses towards the opening of coal mines,Hope to promote local economic development through the presence of enterprises,In turn, it will promote the comprehensive development of the local area。simultaneously,Ask the research team to draw inferences,Further analysis of the impact of Xiaohaotu Coal Mine construction on the national level、Provincial and municipal level、Significance at the enterprise level,Thus promoting the speed and efficiency of the Xiaohaotu Coal Mine Project。(Xie Pei)