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Build defenses with "drills" and prepare for war with "practices" - Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine carried out practical emergency drills during the flood season
Release time: 2023-08-16     Author: Zhang Tingjing    Views: 3820    Share to:

In active response to the notice from the Shaanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau on mining companies carrying out practical drills during the flood season,Practice safety precautions during flood season,Improving the ability to respond quickly to flood accidents caused by the arrival of the rainy season,Recently,Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine organized a practical emergency drill during the flood season。


9:30 AM,The exercise officially begins,Assume that the coal mine dispatch center receives an important weather report from the Shenmu City Meteorological Observatory: abnormal weather and sudden heavy rain,The rainfall may reach more than 60mm in M88 gamea short period of time,There is a risk of flood backflow into the gently sloped auxiliary shaft。The mine leader on duty after receiving the report from the dispatcher,Immediately issued an emergency evacuation order for the entire mine,Order the dispatcher to notify personnel at various underground locations to immediately evacuate along the disaster evacuation route to the bus point,And notify the underground team leader to quickly organize the underground personnel to evacuate the mine in an orderly manner,Prevent unexpected situations,At the same time, arrange vehicles to pick people up and lift people into the well,The dispatcher immediately notified the underground through telephone and emergency broadcast,Then report to the class leader and the flood control emergency rescue commander,The commander-in-chief ordered to immediately notify the team leaders and members of the emergency rescue headquarters to gather at the emergency rescue headquarters,And immediately initiate the third-level emergency rescue response。


Various departments、The district team quickly coordinated and initiated the response program,Each emergency rescue team performs its duties and cooperates properly to complete its M88 appwork,The entire emergency rescue process is orderly。Time taken 78 minutes,All personnel underground have evacuated and ascended the well。Subsequently,The rescue and rescue team laid bricks at the mouth of the gentle slope auxiliary inclined shaft0.8 meter high retaining wall。The rain gradually stopped,The flood did not pour back into the well,No well flooding accident or casualties。After the exercise,The emergency rescue commander organized a 2023 flood season emergency drill and evaluation meeting,Evaluated and summarized this emergency drill。


Passed this flood season emergency drill,Further clarified the job responsibilities of all employees,Improving emergency rescue teams and departments、District team’s emergency response capabilities,Strengthened employees’ awareness of accident prevention,Improved employees’ ability to respond to emergencies,Guaranteed to encounter extreme weather、In case of emergency such as signs of accident,Be able to evacuate those involved in danger in a timely manner,Minimize the losses caused by sudden natural disasters,Maintain the safety of life and property of employees。(Zhang Tingjing)