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Cui Zhaochen - "My New Experience on Employment"
Release time: 2023-08-23     Author: Cui Zhaochen    Views: 2998    Share to:

Colorful badminton games、The sweaty basketball court、Inspiring welcome party、Busy and fulfilling pre-job training... come to my senses,I have already boarded the trackless rubber-tyred vehicle,Leading to the mysterious and deep underground。


Come to the pre-job training of the ventilation maintenance team of Hanjiawan Coal Company,It gave me a preliminary understanding of the next work。I know that my career is about to begin,I can’t help but feel a little uneasy and excited。Chen Minzhong、Zhang Meng、Zhang Yancheng... They work hard based on their positions, love what they do, and M88 logindo what they do,The story of finally winning the national vocational skills competition and provincial competition,Let me worship and admire,Makes me more hopeful for the future。

The first day underground,The monitor takes special care of us,Take a few of us "rookies" to get familiar with the route,Keep reminding you about safety。A few days of underground work,Soon I came into contact with the knowledge I learned in school。For example, when building a closed wall in the production class,The "T-shaped" used in building walls, etc.,It is closely related to the civil engineering knowledge I studied。Use what you learn、Put what you have learned,This is probably the connection from school to work。

As a new employee,We can only start from the simplest tasks,Sprinkling water to reduce dust、Cleaning up coal sludge、Moving bricks,Just when I think these tasks are too easy and boring,Suddenly remembered what the teacher told us during the training: Don’t be too ambitious,Need to be based on the position,Down to earth。As the saying goes, “How can you sweep the world if you don’t sweep one house?”,If you feel bored M88 loginbecause the work is simple,Can’t even do simple tasks well,Who would trust us to hand over technical and difficult work?

“The coal mining industry is special,If you want to learn technology, you must first be familiar with the working environment,Understand the standard operating procedures,Learn more business knowledge,Continuously accumulating day by day,Everyone comes here like this。”The monitor encouraged me to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible、Master new skills。

Time flies by,Unconsciously a week has passed,Looking at the busy figures of the team members,I gradually learned that "based on the position",The true meaning of "down to earth"。

Although the road is far,The journey is coming;Although things are difficult,If you do it, you will succeed。As a new employee,There are still many, many things to learn,Not just technical aspects,More about thoughts and attitudes。The road to your dreams is difficult,But I believe that "sincerity leads to success",Gold and stone are open”,The road under your feet will become wider and wider。(Cui Zhaochen, Hanjiawan Coal Company)