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Fu Yangang: The more you work hard, the more wonderful you will be
Release time: 2023-08-24     Author: Fu Yangang    Views: 3210    Share to:


Carrying hope and confusion,I stepped out of the university in June 2022,Become a member of Hanjiawan Coal Company。Looking back on the past,It’s a challenge again and again、It’s growth bit by bit。From the first front-line worker to today’s trainee technician,The change in roles and the understanding of work are the most valuable lessons learned this year。

Just arrived at the continuous mining team,The maintenance electrician in the electromechanical class is my position,Responsible for the inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment is my daily job。I was confused when I first came into contact with various electrical equipment、No way to start,Get familiar with the operating principles of the equipment later、Do leak test、Power supply system knowledge、Line device、Lighting device、Grounding device、Transformer operation and maintenance、Motor repair and maintenance...all benefit from the careful guidance of the masters。In this position,I deeply understand the importance and sense of M88 gameresponsibility of work。Stay close to the device,Check the running status carefully,Discover and resolve faults in a timely manner,It is my responsibility to ensure the safe and reliable operation of equipment。

Over time,February this year,I am fortunate to be promoted to mechanical and electrical trainee technician。This opportunity makes me excited and confused,I’m excited about having more opportunities to learn and grow,Also confused about the future work。Not in his position,Do not seek political advice。Since being promoted to trainee technician,I often work overtime until late at night,Construction Overview、Construction Organization、Construction methods...I started with the most basic "Safety Technical Measures",Also often go deep into underground sites,Conduct on-site proofreading of the "Operation Procedures" and "Safety Technical Measures" based on the actual conditions at the work site。These are rare experiences and knowledge,Laid a solid foundation for my future work,It also allows you to enter the role faster,Comfortable at work。

In the continuous mining team,I completed all the tasks assigned by the team leader very well,Learning from employees,Minutes of the meeting,From the spiritual civilization construction of the district team to the daily work organization arrangements,I can complete it well;M88 appCoordinate the work of various departments of the company,I can also actively cooperate and do a good job,Although I don’t work in the department,But I really want to learn from my colleagues in the department,So actively stay in various departments,Hope to see more,Learn more,Occasionally, I also actively participate in places where I can help。

In fact, my spare time life was also colorful during this period,I have written and published more than ten newsletters since I joined the company,Several short videos shot on Douyin,In April this year, he was appointed as the company's "News and Publicity Correspondent" and the "Party Style and Integrity Supervisor" of the Party Branch of the Liancai Team,Won the title of "Excellent Correspondent" and Excellent "Party Style and Integrity Supervisor" of the company in 2022。At the same time, I also actively participated in various activities organized by the company and achieved excellent results,Every experience has different feelings and gains,It is also a kind of experience and growth。

I have been working for more than a year without realizing it,Generally,This year is a year of learning,It’s a year of exercise,It is also a harvest year。Short-term experience is the driving force for the future,The road ahead is full of opportunities and challenges,But I firmly believe,Just keep a positive attitude,M88 gameContinuous learning and hard work,I will definitely be able to climb higher peaks,While realizing dreams, make greater contributions to the company’s safe production and development。