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Han Lei——"Small details have their own true feelings, and only diligent writing can tell them"
Release time: 2023-09-27     Author: Han Lei    Views: 2522    Share to:

“Correspondents who can write should write more,persistence,Motivated。"With a speech full of earnest instructions from Huang Wei, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Northern Shaanxi Mining Company,This training has come to an end,But my thoughts are still in it。Continuous review of classroom teaching scenes,Always want to find more insights,As a correspondent,I also have a new understanding of my identity。    

Text work,Always important,Is the window for enterprises to communicate internally and externally,It is also an important way for individuals to grasp the connotation of corporate work。Three days of training period,The teachers gave vivid examples,Shows us the various qualities that a correspondent should m88 casinohave。Writing Method,Writing Skills,Grasping the overall situation is something worth noting in the future writing process,The creation of an article always requires the efforts of all parties。    

Past writing,Always think about starting in a general direction,Often cannot be expressed accurately。Actually,Start from the details,Show the spirit of coal miners through small events,The spiritual pursuit of coal mining enterprises,better able to “get down”,"Grounding"。This requires daily accumulation,Discover events worth recording in life with a discerning eye,The work of seeing the smallest things,From the outside to the inside,And something happened,Often with multiple angles,Be creative,Be able to tell these stories well,It’s something I need to think about。"Foot strength、eyesight、Brain Power、The power of writing is indispensable。    

Think more,Good at asking questions,Always discover important parts that are easily overlooked。Multiple creations,Dare to write。Observe a thing,Thinking is one sided,But the expression is presented,How to tell it,is a more important ability。“Diligence can make up for weakness,Only familiarity is like mastering M88 logina skill,From immaturity to maturity。Multiple checks,Understand review。Accumulation is a long process,Quantitative change is also a long wait,When an article is created,Always happy。    

At this time,As I read through the article,There are always things that are not satisfactory,And it is this time of deliberation,But it can bring great progress。The author is the first reader,An excellent article must first be read by oneself,can read,Want to read”。Based on yourself,We are fully capable of grasping the details of perception,But for the rich connotation behind it,It’s impossible to fully understand,But we need to start with the thing itself,Restore it as truly as possible,When the article is published,In the hands of readers,It can show its greatest charm,Feel the different connotations。But do good things,Don’t ask about the future。As a creator,Grasp the main body of the article,Careful hard work,That’s what is needed most。    

There is a red sun setting in the west,But the beauty of the sunset。The three-day training ended with my reluctance to leave Yulin,Still grateful,Everything good is happening。(Han Lei, Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch, Caragana m88 casinoTower Intelligence Center)