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Qiao Jiao——"Little Migratory Bird in the Mining Area"
Release time: 2023-10-13     Author: Qiao Jiao    Views: 2212    Share to:

Parents’ love is the warmest sunshine,Guarding your growth,But I have never been by your side like the sunshine every day。You said,The days when your parents are by your side are your happiest times,But I am always far away from you。You are like the little migratory bird migrating in our mining area,All expectations,Just for those days when I play with you。

I watched the movie "The Studying Child" with you before,The young Kaikai in the video is a left-behind child,His parents are working in big cities,Because there is no way for him to study in the city,Kaikai, who is only 9 years old, can only stay in his hometown in the countryside with his grandfather who has pulmonary heart diseaseLife。Remember when I saw the parents in the movie who were able to stay and study in order to get out of the way,Quietly returned to the city when Kaikai fell asleep,The scene where Kaikai wakes up and chases him to the entrance of the village crying,I’m really sad,You naively asked me why adults still cry,I don’t know how to answer your question,I don’t know if you feel lonely in happiness,But in my heart I feel the helplessness of my parents。I never want to admit it,But in life, aren’t you also a “left-behind child”?Or you are like a little migratory bird,Every lonely migration,Just to spend a short time with my parents。

It’s just that my parents saw this day againYour self-improvement and independence。Every time I see your cheerful smile,The fatigue of the day will be swept away。You are the "little migratory bird" in the mining area,Also the messenger of joy in the mining area。The days with you,Always full of happiness and sweetness of laughter。Although there is always a little sadness when parting,But your independence gives mom and dad the best hope。Hopefully,It is your wonderful future;Hopefully,It is also peace of mind for parents。And M88 loginsometimes you tell me secretly,You will definitely go to school well,Exceptionally obedient,Don’t let us worry。Your sensibleness,Your growth,In this way, it gradually turned into comfort in the hearts of parents,Encourages me to work hard in exchange for a better life for you。

It’s the end of the National Day holiday again,It’s the day you have to go back to school again。Mom and dad just want to tell you,Whether we are by your side or not,Our love will always surround you tightly。When God decided to leave a little angel,It’s not that I don’t love him anymore,I am preparing to let the little angel learn to face the ups and downs outside,I am preparing to let this little angel grow up quickly,Become a person who can bring happiness to others,Become a self-improvement、People who are useful to society。And in my heart,You have always been that little angel,When mom and dad are not around you,I believe you will become braver,Stronger。

Little migratory birds in the mining area,May every migration of yours be an experience,Through the wind and rain,There will be the most beautiful rainbow。(Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch Qiao Jiao)