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Zhang Zongyong - "Dreams as Horses"
Release time: 2023-10-17     Author: Zhang Zongyong    Views: 2418    Share to:

I don’t know how long the night is

Just like the water of Kuye River

Flow quietly

The first ray of sunshine on Erlang Mountain

Shines into the dream’s chest

The turning of a dead leaf

Floating has become the hope of ants

Occasionally splashing crystal ball

Full of the whole world

There is still a dream

I can’t remember the story in my dream

Just like Tiantai Mountain

Standing on the bank of the Yellow River

Steady growth

There are also stone lions in Xijin Temple

Waiting for tears for more than two thousand years

Transformed into a galloping horse

Riding on the rocky mountains of Mazhen

Happy rainy night in Xidouyu

A group of young people chant poems and sing about horses with their dreams

(Zhang Zongyong of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company)