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China Coal News
Release time: 2023-10-22     Author: Huang Wei    Views: 3212    Share to:

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Shaanxi Coal and Shaanbei Mining Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch was established less than two years ago,But it is on the list of the top 20 information technology companies in the coal industry in 2023 recently released by the China Coal Industry Association,The company ranks 11th。

"When the operation and maintenance branch was first established,Encountered the structural adjustment of Shaanxi Coal Company in Yu。The management system has not been established,When office space is not yet available,Many cadres and workers of the operation and maintenance branch rise to the challenge,Reversed the passive situation in one fell swoop。”Talking about the beginning,Secretary of the Party Branch of the Operation and Maintenance Branch、Manager Xue Zhongxin still remembers it。

4 intelligent maintenance centers under the operation and maintenance branch,Provide intelligent operation and maintenance services for 6 coal mines with a total annual output of 50 million tons,More points、Wide coverage、Length。How to concentrate and concentrate、Excellent service,The company has done a lot of work。

"Initially,We have developed a plan to create a first-class M88 appservice provider for the operation and maintenance of intelligent coal mine systems,Smart Mine、Solution provider for smart mining area construction solutions,Become the most energetic、The most dynamic technological innovation enterprise’s development goals。"Xue Zhongxin said,“The tamarisk forest we serve、Caragana Tower、3 mining companies in Zhangjiamao,They are among the first batch of intelligent demonstration coal mines in the country,Need to have an efficient team to match。Therefore,We vigorously cultivate skilled talents,Provide better services。”

"Service mine annual output exceeds 20 million tons,Our daily operation and maintenance workload is heavy。First half of the year,Laying various communication cables 7.10,000 meters,Recycle cable 3.40,000 meters,149 recycling equipment,149 recycling equipment。" said Li Baofei, head of the Caragana Tower Intelligent Maintenance Center of the Operation and Maintenance Branch。

"Currently,35 people are registered in Caragana Tower Zhiwei Center,New workers account for 57%。”Insufficient staffing,Most new workers are born after 2000,This makes Li Baofei feel a lot of pressure。

“Choose one day of business training per week,Regular job rotation exchanges,Conscientiously implement the mentoring and apprenticeship system,Do everything possible to improve the quality of the team。"Li Baofei said。

Han Hongwei,Joined the Caragana Tower Intelligent Center in February this m88 casinoyear。At work,He studies hard and practices hard,Soon became the backbone of production。October,He took 2 colleagues with him in just three days,Completed the laying of 4000 meters of cables in the 2-2 coal interception lane in the south wing of Nangtiao Tower Mining Company and the installation and commissioning of 5 sets of integrated base stations。New workers like Han Hongwei,There are many more operation and maintenance branches。

In the process of providing services,This branch also focuses on reducing costs and increasing efficiency。"Screw、Line cards and other low-value consumables,Register before use。”In the material warehouse of Zhangjiamao Zhiwei Center,Material clerk Gao Duo fills in the materials and accessories receipt ledger on the computer。As of the end of September,The annual general contracting cost indicator of the operation and maintenance branch was reduced from 18.35 million yuan at the beginning of the year to 1320 yuan.750,000 yuan,Reduced by nearly 30%;Material cost reduced by 5 million yuan compared with plan,Non-productive expenditures decreased by more than 10% compared with the budget at the beginning of the year。

In addition,The branch has also built a “1+3+3+N” intelligent comprehensive operation and maintenance platform,Build an intelligent business network and intelligent hub,As of the end of September,The "Data Lake" and "Industrial Brain" operating systems for the northern Shaanxi mining industry have been M88 gamebuilt,Integrated 106 intelligent business subsystems。Passed 170 collection points,More than 9 million pieces of data entering the lake every day,Producing safe production、More than 700 core indicators such as operation and management,14.6 billion data assets formed,Provides data support for the digital construction of northern Shaanxi coal mines。(黄伟)