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North Shaanxi Mining Company’s intermediate and senior vocational skills certification work was successfully completed
Release time: 2023-10-26     Authors: Li Kun, Xin Yaning, Yang Boyu    Views: 2280    Share to:

October 25th to 26th,Northern Shaanxi Mining Company carries out the 2023 vocational skill level certification for intermediate and senior workers,This certification is undertaken by Hanjiawan Coal Company,Relevant staff of Shaanbei Mining Company supervise the evaluation process。


This certification includes electricians、Fitter、Conveyor operators and other coal work types and boiler operators、Non-coal jobs such as sewage treatment m88 casino reviewworkers,Achieved the combination of coal and non-coal work types、Full coverage。In the early stage, the company and the accreditation agency conducted a strict qualification review of the 216 people who applied for registration,It is determined that 172 people from 18 types of work will participate in this certification。

Theoretical assessment for this certification、The practical assessment is conducted in two parts,Theoretical test questions are divided into differentiated test papers,The invigilator strictly enforces the rules of the examination room,All employees taking exams must abide by the rules in the examination room,Answer seriously。Practical assessment combined with the operation process of each job type、Assessment of properties and characteristics,On-site staff taking the exam are attentive、Calm and Calm,Complete every step carefully,The assessors supervise the whole process,Ensure fair and impartial assessment。


It is reported,This certification is jointly carried out with Shaanxi Tongchuan Industrial Technician College。Preliminary stage of certification,Hanjiawan Coal Company has close communication m88 casino reviewwith the agency,Multiple consultations and discussions,Carefully designed "pre-exam package" for candidates,Develop the "Implementation Plan for the Certification of Vocational Skill Levels for Intermediate and Senior Workers",The agency organizes experts to go to the mine to conduct targeted theoretical review training classes,Each grassroots district team organized a 40-day daily practical training for employees taking the exam、Finger dictation exercises, etc.,Make sufficient preparations for this skills certification。


Hanjiawan Coal Company will take this certification work as the starting point,Solidly promote the quality improvement project for all employees,Accelerate intelligent VR classroom、Construction of training bases and other platforms,Helping employees improve their skills、Continuous further education,Promote the construction of the company's highly skilled talent team to a higher level。(Li Kun, Xin Yaning, Yang Boyu)