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Career flowers bloom here
Release time: 2023-12-26     Author: M88 gameWu Laidi    Views: 2530    Share to:

"Take root in the mine,Contribute to the development of the enterprise。”“Put professional knowledge into practice,Show your abilities to the fullest in your position..." I still clearly remember the first induction training,The passionate words of encouragement from our seniors。Get out of the ivory tower,Entering the workplace from school,Change of role,Makes me feel both excited and nervous。Today,After a period of job practice,I have already integrated into the team,Integrated into the sea of ​​coal。It can be said,Opened a new chapter in his career at Hanjiawan Coal Company。

Wu Laidi.jpg

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Time flies by like a white horse,September 2023,I came to Hanjiawan Coal Company,After pre-job training,Assigned to work in the coal washing plant,Position is Central Controller。A new working environment,Unfamiliar colleague,Nothing is new,This makes me excited and nervous,Have more visions for the future。With the warm care and help of colleagues,I am gradually integrating into the life here,Fall in love with these amiable and lovely people。

I still remember when I first arrived at the coal washing plant,Director Zhang Lin kindly asked some basic information about me,And told me to take good care of my own safety。To better help new college students like me grow,The factory carries out induction training for new workers,Organize us to visit the washing workshop、Explaining the washing system,Introducing the characteristics and functions of washing and sorting equipment,It gave me a clearer understanding of the profession of laundering。At the same time,Through M88 loginthe "Master-to-Apprentice" activity,Arrange one-to-one tutoring with a master。

“Xiao Wu,This is your master Lei Zhen,She has rich experience,Even though she is about the same age as you,She brought out many central controllers in the factory,In the future, whether you encounter difficulties at work or in life,You can ask her for advice”,Squad leader Song Yanping warned。

Working together once,Never go against your will,In the big family of coal washing plant,We are fortunate to meet,Thanksgiving for accompanying you,Grateful for accompanying me in my growth。

Work hard and become more successful

"Attention for all positions,The factory is ready for start-up,Please confirm security!"This is a signal warning issued by the command before starting production,Now I have mastered the workflow of the washing and selection system。

When I first stepped into the centralized control room of the coal washing plant,Looking at the various washing equipment projected on the large electronic screen in front of me and the dense operating procedures displayed on the computer,I feel a little "broken" for a moment,I secretly wonder if I can learn these operations,Are you qualified for this job。After the master’s patient teaching,I quickly became familiar with various equipment and starting and parking、Stop power supply and other process steps,I feel a small sense of accomplishment。

The centralized control room is the central brain of safety production in the coal washing plant,Responsible for raw coal sorting、Responsibilities for clean coal washing, processing and system operation task execution,m88 casinoSlight negligence,It may cause problems such as production delays and coal quality standards。

“The nature of our work requires us to not only have a sense of responsibility,You must also have a pair of piercing eyes,No matter how small the data change is, we can’t let it go..." Master Lei Zhen patiently preached to me。

In the position of centralized control,I deeply feel the great responsibility,Glorious mission。The centralized control work seems simple,But it’s very challenging to be foolproof,Only be careful and careful,Only by working harder and harder can we do these tasks well,And now I am,It is with this kind of working attitude that we can do a good job in the centralized control and dispatching work on duty。

Busy yet relaxed, leisurely yet interesting

Before joining,Leave coal mine,My impression is still at the stage of being dirty and tired。But after coming to the company,Subverted my view of traditional coal mines。Not only is there a clean and tidy mining environment,Warm accommodation conditions,United and friendly colleague relationship,There is also "Happy Work、The strong atmosphere of "happy life"。

“Exercise for one hour every day,50 years of healthy work,Live happily for a lifetime”,This is the slogan of Ampere Center。After work,My biggest interest is to invite friends to play badminton together。

In order to enrich employees’ spare time life,The company also has a quiet and tidy reading room、Vending machine for answering questions and redeeming gifts、Comfortable karaoke room、Diverse reading halls and upcoming yoga rooms。

The ancients said: "You can steal half a M88 gameday's leisure。”Work is fun,Life is enjoyment,Sometimes it heals you,Not necessarily poetry and distance,It’s about relaxing after work。

New opportunities、New opportunities、New Challenge。The future is unknown,The future has unlimited possibilities,I hope to be a responsible person,A person with a heart。In the following work life,I will continue to work hard,Quickly improve business literacy and own work ability,Down to earth、Work hard,Believe in the flower of career,Will finally bloom here。(Wu Laidi)