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Learning to Strengthen the Country
Release time: 2023-12-27     Author: Guo Hongxin    Views: 2598    Share to:

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If you could sum up Zhai M88 gamePufan’s new life in the mine in one word,"Heart-warming" may be the most appropriate: just pack your bags and move into the star-rated employee apartment,Applying for ANOBO supplementary medical insurance,Participated in the group birthday party、Badminton match、Summer and Cool Literary Party...

“I am a new college student who joined the company in July this year,Heart-warming facts everywhere,Hidden deep humanistic care,Who wouldn’t love such a company!”Zhai Pufan’s feelings,Speaking out the voices of the employees of Hanjiawan Coal Company。

Since this year,Hanjiawan Coal Company closely focuses on the thoughts, hopes and wishes of its employees,Increase efforts in handling practical matters related to people’s livelihood,Relieving worries for employees、Gathering efforts for development,Played the song "Happy Work、The people's livelihood song of "Happy Life"。

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Hold employee representative question meetings regularly,It is a "standard action" of Hanjiawan Coal Company,Employee representatives put the collected opinions and suggestions on the table,Each department will make a commitment to give feedback on the spot if it can solve the problem,If not, claim it and conduct research,Until we take concrete measures,Supervised and implemented by the labor union。


Take the point redemption of smart retail machines as an example,An employee representative asked at the inquiry meeting whether he could answer questions in exchange for goods,It didn’t take long,The company has set up a knowledge question bank on the retail machine,Employees can exchange points for free products after participating in answering questions。M88 loginDuring Fire Safety Month,There are crowds of people in front of the retail machine,Everyone says,This is well done,Not only learned fire safety knowledge,Also got benefits。

"This year,We held 3 inquiry meetings,Collected 48 rationalization opinions and suggestions,The current rectification rate reaches 95%。”Li Xiaoli, vice chairman of the labor union, casually said a long list of good facts:

Replaced the heating pipe network and water pipes in Building 6,Newly built wellhead canopy;Newly built wellhead canopy,Employees lining up to enter the well will no longer get wet;The road to the mine is paved with asphalt,It is safer and more convenient for employees to travel;A batch of medicines have been replenished and updated in the medical boxes of each district team,Protect the health of employees...

With warmth and more connotation

It’s worth noting,This year,Hanjiawan Coal Company pays more attention to the spiritual needs of employees,The majority of employees can clearly feel it,The mine not only cares about everyone’s material aspects of food, housing and transportation,Care more about everyone’s inner sense of gain and happiness。

A tug-of-war competition was held、Badminton match、More than 10 cultural and sports activities, including employee fun sports games,Carried out a reading sharing session and mental health lecture on "Enlightening the Wisdom and Moisturizing the Heart·Reading for Life",The newly built Integrity Book Bar is put into use,Promote employees to achieve "two-way travel" for physical and mental health。Introduction to Li Xiaoli,Now the company has arrangements every quarter,Activities every month,Employees have a rich spare time "outside eight hours"。


This point,Families of employees also feel very strongly。Kandde’s wife and children from the Comprehensive Mining Team came to visit relatives during the summer,The family participated in the parent-child sports meeting carefully organized by the company,Enjoyed the literary party,My son also participated in the composition of children of employees、Calligraphy and Painting Competition。At the end of vacation,The son told Kantide,I will come again next time。

“Now workers in mining areas are not only concerned about whether their pockets are full or not,There is also whether you are spiritually rich or not,This is also the direction of our work。”Executive Director of Hanjiawan Coal Company、Manager Feng Zewei said this。

There are surprises and expectations

Things to do that employees think of,We have to do even the unexpected。Hanjiawan Coal Company is located at the northernmost tip of Shenmu, Shaanxi,If employees usually have a headache or brain fever, they can go to the mining area medical office for consultation and medicine,But once you encounter other problems,Go to a big hospital 20 kilometers away,Very inconvenient。


September this year,The smart health cabin of Hanjiawan Coal Company was completed and put into use,Can remotely connect to medical experts for health consultation,Provide chronic disease screening and sub-health status monitoring,Develop the optimal treatment plan in real time,With intelligence、Convenient、Practical and other features,One-stop physiotherapy service、One-stop physiotherapy service。

The surprises continue,The company’s new VR intelligent training classroom will be put into use soon,Will completely change the previous training m88 casino reviewmodel on the podium。Employees do not need to wear equipment to go down the mine,You can feel the on-site working environment immersively,Have a deeper understanding of various security risks and precautions,Will significantly enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of safety training,Protect employees’ lives and safety。

The sunshine at the beginning of winter is particularly warm,On the roof of the Ampere Center of Hanjiawan Coal Company,"Happy work, happy life" are the shining words,Around this goal and pursuit,They do everything possible to solve people’s worries、Warm people’s hearts、Do practical things,Let the desert mine become a happy home for the majority of employees to live and work in peace and contentment。(Guo Hongxin)