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Hanjiawan Coal Company VR smart training classroom officially opened
Release time: 2024-01-05     Author: Fan Chenqian    Views: 2318    Share to:


Days ago,Hanjiawan Coal Company VR Smart Training Center put into operation。The project is based on the actual production environment of the company's intelligent mine、Device、Based on craftsmanship,Through immersive virtual reality,Realistic reproduction of actual working scenes in smart mines,Allow employees to conduct practical training and assessment without going down the mine,Really learn “what to learn”、What do you know、What to do、What will happen”。

Training through interactive operation of smart mine m88 casino reviewproduction system in virtual scene、Mine roaming inspection、Training content such as three-dimensional display of intelligent mining equipment,Change "invisible、Can’t get in、Can’t move、A difficult-to-reproduce underground scene appears in front of employees,Not only improves the immersion of training,It also avoids the safety hazards caused by training in complex underground environments。

To effectively play the role of VR smart training classroom,The on-site requirements of the company’s leaders: First, to achieve all-round development、All members participate、Training format covering all employees,Develop the whole system、Full-position training module,Comprehensive enhancement of module application;The second is to actively mobilize employees to participate,True transformation from traditional model to intelligent training model,Ensure stable growth for the majority of employees、Guaranteed supply、Strong innovation、To test the effectiveness of training while promoting development;The third is to improve the training system,Combine various types of work、m88 casinoDevelop 2024 training plan for each position,Further improve safety training efficiency and management level,Improve the comprehensive quality of employees’ safety knowledge and operational skills。


“I experienced a simulated roof fall accident,It’s so thrilling and exciting,I must always be vigilant in the future,Never conduct illegal operations。" said Cao Xiaopeng, an employee who experienced the simulated accident case。

“VR smart training classroom allows us to master the relevant knowledge and standardized operations of intelligent mining equipment on the ground,That’s great!" Fu Yangang, who just finished the operation training, said happily。

Hanjiawan Coal Company will take the opening of VR smart training classroom as an opportunity,Further enrich the training mode,Use is better、Better learning and training results,Contribute to promoting high-quality development of enterprises。(Fan Chenqian)