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Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine conducts emergency drill for auxiliary transportation accidents
Release time: 2024-04-10     Author: Zhe Xiaofei    Views: 2094    Share to:

To further enhance the level of comprehensive management and emergency rescue in response to emergencies,Inspection、Improve employee emergency response、Disaster avoidance ability,Minimize all types of losses caused by auxiliary M88 gametransportation accidents,April 7,Sunjiacha Longhua Coal Mine organized a special emergency rescue drill for auxiliary transportation accidents。


This exercise is designed to be close to actual combat,Combined with the actual conditions of the mine,An emergency on-site command center and rescue team were established、Technical Expert Group、Medical Rescue Team、8 drill groups including the external liaison group。

"Report to the dispatch room,I am Luo Ji, maintenance worker of the auxiliary transportation team,A double-discharge truck suddenly lost control 900 meters away from the gently sloped auxiliary shaft,Rush into the emergency escape room of the vehicle below,Requesting rescue...” 9:00 AM,As the dispatch command center phone rang rapidly,Staff urgently reported an auxiliary transportation accident underground。From this,An intense and orderly emergency drill has officially begun。


After receiving the accident report,The mine immediately launched an emergency rescue plan,m88 casino reviewNotify each team member to gather in the dispatch room,The members of each team adhere to the principle that exercises are actual combat,Response quickly、Tacit understanding,Every link is tense and orderly。9:30,The injured were lifted into the well after preliminary treatment,and was sent to the nearest hospital for treatment,Onsite drill ended。

By conducting accident drills,Effectively tested the operability of the emergency plan,Improved the practical ability to respond to emergencies and the coordination level of rescue personnel,Enhance on-site personnel’s emergency awareness of emergencies,Building a strong line of defense for safe production。(Zhe Xiaofei)