Party discipline learning and education
Party Discipline Learning and Education·Daily Lesson丨What are the disciplinary sanctions against party members,How long is the influence period?
Release time: 2024-04-27     Author:    Views: 1316    Share to:


Provisions of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China",There are five types of disciplinary sanctions against party members,Warning respectively、Severe warning、Revocation of party positions、Retention in the Party under probation and expulsion from the Party。

m88 casino reviewIt m88 casino reviewis a warning issued by the party organization to party members who violate discipline,To encourage them to recognize and correct their mistakes。Warning is the lightest form of party discipline,Applicable to minor disciplinary violations、But party members must be given party disciplinary sanctions。

Severe warningIt is a lighter party discipline sanction that is more serious than a warning,Applicable to party members who violate disciplines and the circumstances are relatively serious。

Revocation of party positionsIt is a serious party disciplinary sanction,Applies to the nature of the error committed、Serious circumstances,Disciplinary party members who are no longer suitable to hold all current party positions or one or more party positions。

Stay in the party for probationIt is a heavier party discipline sanction second only to expulsion from the party,Applicable to serious disciplinary violations、But the conditions for being a member of the Communist Party have not yet been lost,Party members who are no longer suitable to hold all current party positions。

Expelled from the PartyIt is the most severe party discipline punishment,Applicable to serious disciplinary violations、Party members who have lost the conditions for being a member of the Communist Party。

The impact and consequences of warnings and serious warnings——

Party members shall be warned and punished within one year、Received severe warning within one and a half years,Not allowed for promotion or further use within the party,It is also not allowed to recommend to non-party organizations to hold non-party positions higher than their original positions or to use them further。where,About the starting time of "within one year" and "within one and a half years",It is calculated from the date of approval of warning or serious warning。

The impact and consequences of canceling the punishment of internal party positions——

Cancellation of internal party position sanctions,refers to the removal of the punished party members’ internal party positions that were elected or appointed by the party。For those who hold more than two positions M88 gamewithin the party,When the party organization makes a decision on punishment,It should be clear whether all his positions or one or several positions should be abolished。If it is decided to revoke one of his positions,The highest office he held must be revoked。If it is decided to revoke more than two of his positions,must be revoked starting from the highest position he holds。For those who hold positions in non-party organizations,Should recommend that non-party organizations revoke their non-party positions。

For party members who were removed from office due to suspected violation of party discipline during case filing review,Those who should be dismissed from their party positions after review in accordance with the provisions of these regulations,Should be given the sanction of removal from party positions in accordance with his original position。For those who should be revoked from their party positions,But I do not hold any party position,Should be given a serious warning。At the same time,Those who hold positions in non-party organizations,Should recommend that non-party organizations revoke their non-party positions。

Party members are punished by being revoked from their party positions,Or receive a serious warning in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph,Not allowed to hold a position within the party or be recommended to non-party organizations for a position equal to or higher than his original position within two years。

The impact and consequences of staying in the party for probation——

Retention in the Party and Probation Punishment,Divided into one year of Party probation、Reserved in the Party on probation for two years。For party members who have been subject to party probation for one year,Those who still do not meet the conditions for restoration of party member rights after expiration,The party probation period should be extended for one year。The maximum period of probation under the Party shall not exceed two years。

Party members are subject to probation and punishment period,No voting rights、Right to vote and the right to be elected。During party probation,Those who truly show repentance,Restore party membership rights M88 gameafter expiration;Insisting on not correcting or discovering other disciplinary violations that should be punished by party discipline,Should be expelled from the party。

Party members subject to party probation,His party position was naturally revoked。For those who hold non-party positions,Should recommend that non-party organizations revoke their non-party positions。Party members subject to party probation,Within two years after the restoration of party member rights,Not allowed to hold or recommend to non-party organizations a position that is equivalent to or higher than his or her original position within the party。Note,“Within two years” here,refers to the two years from the date when the party organization approves the restoration of the party member rights of the punished party member,The period is calculated from the date when the probation period expires。

The impact and consequences of expulsion from the party——

Party members are subject to expulsion from the party,Not allowed to rejoin the party within five years,It is also not allowed to recommend non-party positions that are equivalent to or higher than his original position。Those who are not allowed to rejoin the party if there are other regulations,According to regulations。

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission