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Implement the confidentiality law. You and I are both confidentiality protectors
Release time: 2024-05-23     Author: Li Wen Wang Xinyue    Views: 1905    Share to:

In order to effectively improve the confidentiality awareness and confidentiality capabilities of the majority of cadres and workers,Create a good confidentiality and legal environment,m88 casino reviewRecently,The Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch organized the 36th Confidentiality Publicity and Education Month event。

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The theme of this event is “Protecting state secrets in accordance with the law and safeguarding national security and corporate interests”。Active,Organized cadres and employees to watch the confidential propaganda video,Learned "Shaanxi Province's "Twelve Strict Prohibitions" to Prevent Secret Leakage",Signed a confidentiality agreement with personnel in confidential positions on site。At the same time,The company also makes full use of the company’s electronic screens、WeChat public account、Widely publicize confidentiality knowledge by distributing confidential promotional materials and other methods,To make the majority of cadres and workers deeply understand the importance of confidentiality work and the various measures to do a good job in confidentiality m88 casino reviewwork in daily work,Creating confidentiality that everyone knows、Wish to keep it confidential、Good atmosphere that will keep confidentiality。

Next step,The company will continue to carry out confidentiality publicity and education,Guide cadres and employees to actively participate in confidentiality work,Always tighten the string of confidentiality and security,Strictly observe confidentiality discipline,Create a safe and stable environment for the company’s high-quality development。(Li Wen Wang Xinyue)