In order to further strengthen employees’ m88 sports betting review safety awareness,Improve m88 sports betting review emergency response capabilities of all employees,Recently,The Zhangjiamao Intelligent Maintenance Center of the Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch jointly organized the service unit to assist the transportation work area to carry out practical m88 sports betting review safety emergency drills,All staff of the center participated in this drill。
Activity site,Proposed by the deputy director of Zhangjiamao Intelligent Technology Center based on "proposed、Pull out、Aim、The four-character formula of "press",Explained the use of m88 sports betting review extinguishers in detail to employees,And emphasizes the key precautions for first aid and escape at the m88 sports betting review scene,Ensure employees can respond quickly in the event of a real m88 sports betting review、Coping effectively。
The m88 sports betting review drill uses the preset scenario of an accidental m88 sports betting review in the trash can in the auxiliary transportation factory area under sustained high temperature weather,According to m88 sports betting review emergency management regulations,An emergency command center was established,And established an emergency rescue team、Comprehensive Security Team、Communications Team,Comprehensively launched from m88 sports betting review alarm to early stage m88 sports betting review extinguishing、Organization and coordination、Emergency response、Department linkage、Full-process practical drill including personnel evacuation。
Drill site,After the staff on duty discovered a "m88 sports betting review" in the factory,Rapidly organize personnel to respond on site,And report to relevant leaders。The leader on duty arrived at the scene first,Start the m88 sports betting review emergency plan immediately after reporting the m88 sports betting review,The three emergency teams each perform their duties,Close cooperation,Efficient execution plan;Participants quickly located the source of the m88 sports betting review、Organize m88 sports betting review fighting、Guide people to evacuate,And submit the necessary information in a timely manner。With the tacit cooperation of the entire team,The m88 sports betting review was quickly contained and eventually extinguished,The entire process fully demonstrated the employees’ excellent emergency response capabilities and teamwork spirit。
Passed this m88 sports betting review emergency drill,Verified the center’s m88 sports betting review safety training results,Laid a solid foundation to improve the emergency support capabilities of all employees。(Zhang Bo)