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Special topic "Learning + Examination" to improve the safety literacy of managers
Release time: 2024-09-23     Author: Liu Shaojun    Views: 582    Share to:

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September 21,North Shaanxi Mining Company organized and carried out two "Opinions"、Special study on "Eight Hard Measures" and Shaanxi Coal Industry's "Special Provisions on Strengthening Coal Mine Safety Production"、Special examination,Aims to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions and instructions on production safety,Constantly carry out "learning the iron rules、Ming Responsibility、m88 reviewHard implementation、Special activities to “keep safe” and “raise awareness、Strict execution、Watch the scene、100-day security operation to curb three violations,Company leaders and all personnel of the production safety department、29 people including relevant personnel from other departments attended。

Background from the introduction of agency managers、Importance、Specification requirements and implementation, etc.,Opinions on the two offices、The "Eight Hard Measures" and the "Special Provisions" of Shaanxi Coal Industry and other key contents were collectively studied item by item。At the same time,Watched the special video explaining the "Eight Hard Measures" of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau,Have a deeper understanding of the "eight hard measures"、More intuitive understanding。

The company takes "eight hard measures" to implement the 70 questions that should be known and met and the "Special Regulations" of Shaanxi Coal Industry as the main content,Thematic examination was carried out,Test managers at all levels’ mastery of the m88 review“Eight Hard Measures” through examinations,Urge personnel at all levels to continuously enhance their learning、Strong consciousness and initiative,Really achieved the goal of promoting learning through examination、For the purpose of testing and promoting application。

Next step,The company will "learn the iron rules"、Ming Responsibility、Hard implementation、The special activity of "Keeping Safety" is the starting point,Adopt a combined “online + offline” model,Continue to study the "Eight Hard Measures",Create full participation、A strong learning atmosphere for all members,Enable the majority of cadres and workers to learn the "eight hard measures" in a subtle way,Really internalize it in your heart、Externalization in action,Promote the comprehensive implementation of the "eight hard measures"。(Liu Shaojun)