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Peng Sikai: Be a good “steward” to save expenditure and reduce consumption
Release time: 2024-09-29     Author: Zhu Chao    Views: 824    Share to:

Morning shift on September 25th,Comprehensive mining team material warehouse,There is an endless stream of employees coming to collect materials,Material clerk Peng Sikai is sometimes busy distributing materials,Register the incoming and outgoing materials from time to time。See me coming in,Peng Sikai stood up and said enthusiastically: "Come and take a look,How is our warehouse organized??”

I looked around,Clear identification of various equipment accessories、Arranged in order、Organized neatly,I couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up。Impression,Peng Sikai has always been so careful、Responsible,Everyone calls him the "big steward" of the comprehensive mining team。

M88 login

Do every little thing with your heart

In the eyes of others,The position of material clerk is nothing more than running errands、Momozuipizi,Take the materials list and follow the procedures for approval,Just bring back M88 gamethe materials and accessories。But Peng Sikai knows,To become a competent material clerk,These are not enough。Not only must be careful、Calculate every account carefully,More importantly, we need to be familiar with a wide variety of tools、The accessories are clearly understood。

“Remember when I first M88 loginbecame a material clerk,Different models、The different types of equipment accessories are really dazzling,It takes a long time to find a part..." Peng Sikai said。

In order to quickly become familiar with the work,He took the initiative to "learn lessons" from the information officers of other district teams,Use your spare time to actively study equipment drawings、Material model and technical standards,Make sure you keep up with the times。

“Now that it’s done,Just do it with your heart,Now working surface equipment、Price of accessories、Performance、Specifications, etc.,I am Dumenerqing。" Peng Sikai said with a smile。

WeChat steps 15000+ per day

Open Peng Sikai’s mobile WeChat activity records,The number of steps walked almost every day is more than 15,000。From district team warehouse to material warehouse,From the material warehouse to the office building...such "three points and one line",He has to run more than 20 times a day,Which item should be collected,Which item cannot be distributed,He knows everything clearly。

“Equipment accessories are crucial to the safe production of the district team,Even if there is a little mistake,Will affect the progress of maintenance and parts replacement of underground equipment。" Peng Sikai said。

Peng Sikai knows,Material clerks are the “logistics army” for safe production,Whether during work or after get off work,Just a phone call,He can quickly coordinate M88 gamethe materials and accessories needed for the work surface、delivered。

Once,Sudden equipment failure during zero-hour shift,It was already past three o’clock in the middle of the night,The sleeping Peng Sikai received the call,Without saying a word, he quickly came to the district team warehouse to prepare materials and accessories,Greatly saves the time and cost of equipment maintenance。

If you can save a little, a little is better

"Normally and Sikai Collar Accessories,He asked everyone to trade in old ones for new ones,How many old ones should I hand over,How many new ones can be exchanged for。" said Yang Baiping, an employee of the comprehensive mining team。

In order to effectively control material costs,Peng Sikai strictly implements the system,Never discount。An old ball valve、A high-pressure pipe,He would spend a long time nagging the maintenance workers,Not until I get my old stuff back。The days are getting longer,Everyone also knows how serious he is,We have also developed the good habit of "not replacing old materials with new ones"。

In daily work,He conscientiously implements the concept of cost reduction and efficiency improvement,Continue to increase efforts in repairing old items and recycling them,Strive to use the old ones without getting the new ones、Those who can self-study should not be outsourced,Try your best to reduce costs。At the same time,Recycle usable accessories in time、Material,Timely update m88 casinothe material recycling record ledger,Detailed records of the types of materials recycled in each shift、Quantity,Ensured to be ready for use。

Peng Sikai is like a screw,Explaining extraordinary perseverance in ordinary jobs,Down to earth,Working silently,Write the infinite love for the mine with full enthusiasm... (Zhu Chao)