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Hanjiawan Coal Company: "Little General" interaction,“Fun” publicity stage
Release time: 2024-09-30     Author: Yang Boyu    Views: 596    Share to:


“Ask more questions during the interview、Qiao Qiao、Qinji,Be good at discovering the not-so-simple from the simple,Discover the unusual from the ordinary,The article never gets tired of being revised a hundred times,Think over and over again to make a good sentence..." September 28,Hanjiawan Coal Company held the third training course for news correspondents,About how to improve press releases、TikTok short video "hit rate" starts,Create "hot" news for correspondents,The “fun” publicity stage provides a unique perspective。


In the meantime,Zhao Xinyue, the backbone correspondent of the continuous mining team, adopts the "interaction + comment" method,Combined with micro video topic selection、Write script、Photography skills and post-production, etc.,Interspersed with practical experience,Inspire everyone to pay attention to timeliness in video creation、Importance and audience attention,Make sure the content M88 loginhas both depth and breadth,Provides a unique perspective for correspondents to create more engaging micro videos。At the same time,The correspondents watched more than 10 micro videos including "Safe Use of Electricity Passing Through Your World" and "Safety" Destiny Man" etc.,Zhao Xinyue shared his creative process,Let everyone resonate quickly、Harvest inspiration。


Qiang Xinxin, the key correspondent of the ventilation maintenance team, bought it with three “ten million” dollars,Inspire everyone to insist on "thousands of thinking" in news writing,Consider Chinese words and sentences when optimizing the language of the manuscript,Sit on the bench,Sink your heart、Lean down and write the manuscript;Insisting on "accumulation" in collecting manuscript materials,Read widely classic works、Conference speech、Communicate and discuss with others,Keep a "bad pen"、Use your notebook well,Writing can only be done as if there is a god;Insisting on “leaving no stone unturned” in news interviews,Communicate skillfully with lead contacts throughout the entire interview,Use mobile devices appropriately when necessary,Explore news clues with all your strength、Collect news materials。Share the language vividly,Rich content,Let everyone discover problems in news writing,M88 gameClear improvement ideas。

“This training,Full of useful information,I benefited a lot,From now on,I will stick to 'feet in the dirt'、‘Smell the roses’,Aim the pen tip and lens tightly at the front line、Targeted employees,Write more good manuscripts with "dewdrops"。" Zhang Bo, the correspondent of the rescue squadron, said with emotion。

Unveiling the list and leading the list, “new” ones are constantly coming out,The company’s Party Committee Work Department focuses on recent key tasks,Drafted the "Stage" for Skilled "Grassroots" to Shine Talents", "Baili Coal Sea's "Wisdom" for "New Appearance"" and "Youth" to Act with Strength,“Reunion Gathers Momentum” and more than 20 “careful” questions,Correspondents drew lots to choose topics,will write corresponding news works within the specified time limit,Test the training effect with actual combat,tempering ability level。

The company’s leaders encourage correspondents to learn more、Understanding the knowledge of news writing,By writing articles、Practice shooting、Increase skills、Improve skills,Exercise yourself、Improve yourself、Achieve yourself,Strive to record the company’s changes with the pen and lens in hand、Show company style,Tell a good story、Promote the main theme、Transmit positive energy。(Yang Boyu)