Construction of clean M88 appstate-owned enterprises
Release time: 2023-11-16     Author:    Views: 2327    Share to:

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Clearly grasp the nature and classification of party organizations 

The "Regulations on the Approval Authority and Procedure of the Communist Party of China for Punishing Party Members Who Violate Discipline" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") have systematically standardized and clearly stipulated the authority and procedures for approving punishment of party members who violate discipline for all types of organizations at all levels.,However, in the process of implementing and applying the "Regulations", some M88 appstate-owned enterprises have problems such as unclear positioning of the disciplinary authority of their own party organizations or "copying" the authority of local party committees。Based on practice we think,M88 loginTo solve such problems, we should focus on grasping the nature of the party organization,Accurately apply the corresponding regulations。 

In practice,Party organizations with the authority to approve sanctions in M88 appstate-owned enterprises mainly include the following categories。First, the party groups and party committees of state-owned enterprises。Central management enterprises generally set up party groups,Centrally managed financial enterprises and their subsidiaries generally set up party committees,According to the "Regulations", these two types of party organizations can impose party disciplinary sanctions on party members who violate disciplines based on their cadre and personnel management authority。The second is the party committee of state-owned enterprises。Except the above companies,Party committees established by other state-owned enterprises are all grassroots party committees in nature,Under normal circumstances, the following sanctions can be approved for the person under review: Party probation。According to the "Regulations",The grassroots party committee only has the authority to approve preliminary party members,Only has the approval authority to punish party members who violate discipline,The two are intrinsically unified。For example,The party committee of a state-owned enterprise is a grassroots party committee affiliated to the township (street) party committee,It does not have the authority to approve preliminary party members,Therefore, it does not have the authority to sanction party members who violate discipline。The third is the Discipline Inspection Commission of State-owned Enterprises,Belongs to the grassroots Discipline Inspection Commission in nature。Under normal circumstances, grassroots discipline inspection commissions can only have the authority to approve sanctions for "the persons under review in the cases they review",And the type of punishment is limited to "giving the person under review a warning、Severe Warning Punishment”,Reflects the interconnection of disciplinary power and disciplinary power。At the same time,Does the grassroots discipline inspection commission have the authority to approve sanctions,It should also be conditioned on whether the party committee at the grassroots level has the authority to approve probationary party members。For example, the party committee established by a subsidiary of a county-owned state-owned enterprise does not have the authority to approve preliminary party members,The party committee of the state-owned enterprise and the grassroots discipline inspection commission established by it,Neither of them has the authority to approve punishment of party members who violate discipline。 

Under what conditions can the party organization of a M88 appstate-owned enterprise directly decide to impose party disciplinary sanctions on party members who violate discipline,And can approve the punishment of expulsion from the party for party members who violate discipline,You also need to accurately understand the relevant provisions of the "Regulations"。First, the party groups and party committees in state-owned enterprises meet one of the three conditions mentioned in Article 31 of the "Regulations",That is, the grassroots party committee of the unit has the authority to approve preliminary party members,The specifications of the party and state agencies where you work are at the county level or above,Or the party committee at the same level is a party committee at or above the municipal level with districts,You can directly decide to impose party discipline sanctions on party members who violate party discipline;Second, the party committee of the state-owned enterprise meets one of the conditions listed in Article 29 of the "Regulations",That is, the lower-level party organization has the authority to approve preliminary party members,The party and state agencies where you work are at the deputy department or bureau level or above,Or the party committee at the next higher level is a party committee at or above the municipal level with districts,has the authority to directly decide on the punishment of party members who violate discipline;The third is the Discipline Inspection Commission of State-owned Enterprises,As long as the grassroots party committee where the Discipline Inspection Commission is located meets one of the three conditions in Article 29 of the "Regulations",You can directly decide to impose party discipline sanctions on party members who violate party discipline。

In practice,We should also accurately grasp the situation of party disciplinary sanctions against retirees of M88 appstate-owned enterprises that implement socialized management。First, the relationship between party organizations has been transferred to the party organizations of streets (townships) and communities (villages) under their jurisdiction,Should be determined by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee (Discipline Inspection Commission) of the street (township) where it is located、The Party Working Committee (Party Committee) shall exercise the authority m88 casinoto approve sanctions。For example,The party organization relationship of a retiree from a state-owned enterprise has been transferred to the township and its village,If the disciplinary violation occurred after retirement and is not closely related to his original position,Given light punishment by party discipline,Reviewed and approved by the Township Commission for Discipline Inspection;Given severe party disciplinary sanctions,Deliberated and approved by the township party committee;Expelled from the Party,Must also be submitted to the county-level Discipline Inspection Commission Standing Committee for review and approval。The second is under special circumstances,State-owned enterprise discipline inspection and supervision agencies can exercise corresponding disciplinary approval authority。Article 44, Paragraph 2 of the "Regulations" gives state-owned enterprise discipline inspection and supervision agencies certain disciplinary powers,To realize the consistent connection between the supervision and discipline enforcement authority and the disciplinary authority of retirees of state-owned enterprises。After the decision on party discipline is made,State-owned enterprise discipline inspection and supervision agencies should report the retirees to the street (township) party working committee (party committee) where the party organization relationship is located、The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision (Discipline Inspection Commission) implements the party’s disciplinary decision。

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine