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Chang Liangliang: This captain deserves praise
Release time: 2022-04-19     Author: Ai Feng    Views: 10934    Share to:

“A separation layer appears on the roof of the excavation,There is a risk of falling gangue and injuring people,Everyone please work hard,Must ensure safe production in the next shift。”April 12,The roof detachment occurred when the production team of the continuous mining team of Hanjiawan Coal Company was preparing to get off work,The team members quickly entered the working state。When M88 loginworkers from the second shift of production take over,Also joined the ranks of eliminating safety hazards... The employees of both teams stood in each other's perspective and tried their best to do the job well。

Scenes like this often occur in the "big family" of the continuous mining team of Hanjiawan Coal Company。57 employees of the continuous mining team under the leadership of team leader Chang Liangliang,Close like family。Everyone learns from each other’s strengths in work,Work together to build a strong line of defense for safe production,Successfully completed the excavation work of tunnels。


M88 game

April 2019,Chang Liangliang successfully competed to be the captain of the continuous mining team with his many years of work experience。Facing colleagues who are older than you,And college students who have just joined the job,How to manage and drive everyone to promote normal work,Become his primary challenge target。

At that time,Because the continuous mining team has just been transferred,Many veteran employees with rich experience are not convinced by each other at work。In response to this situation,Chang Liangliang is people-oriented,Make full use of the expertise of each employee,Let everyone learn from each other’s strengths、Learn from each other。

Meet before the morning, noon and evening shifts every day,Chang Liangliang arranged a 5-minute positive energy sharing session,Let everyone learn from each other、Learn from each other’s strengths。

"When taking over today,I saw my colleagues in the electromechanical maintenance class delayed their get off work hours,Help the production team clean up the coal accumulation,Such a move is worth learning。”

“Foreman Wang Dongyuan uses his off-duty time to train our young employees on continuous mining machines every day、Operation technology of shuttle cars and other equipment,Let everyone become an expert in operating the quick excavation system..." Everyone introduces real people and facts around you in one word,While fully affirming others,It is even more of a spur to myself。

“Since we had this positive energy M88 appsharing session,The team members are becoming more and more united、More and more harmonious。Everyone takes every small act of kindness as motivation to move forward,Learn from each other、Push each other。” Chang Liangliang’s tone was full of confidence。

In the continuous mining team,Employees and employees、Mutual help among teams has become the norm in work。Chang Liangliang also relies on his excellent management skills,Received advanced workers one after another、Excellent management cadre and many other honorary titles。

At the same time,The continuous mining team led by Chang Liangliang has created a number of excavation records。Many young workers have grown into front-line mining technical backbones through experience,Injecting inexhaustible motivation into building a high-quality talent team for the district team。


Winning likes by leading by example

This Spring Festival,Working on the company’s epidemic prevention and supply,As the captain, Chang Liangliang asked other managers to go home for the New Year,But I decided to stay at my post。I miss my loved ones every time,Chang Liangliang and his family used video to relieve the pain of lovesickness。

During Spring Festival,To maintain stable production and high efficiency,Chang Liangliang promptly organized and convened the team committee meeting,Arrange and deploy production tasks,Carefully organize production。Drilling a tunnel under a thousand-foot shaft,The roar of the continuous mining machine、Inspection of post workers、The running belt fully loaded with "Ujin"... every shift every day,Everything is so orderly。

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the excavation work,Chang Liangliang always sticks to his post,Under his leadership,The continuous mining team has exceeded production tasks for three consecutive months。

“I can’t remember how many instant noodles I ate,Just thinking about successfully completing the production task。" Chang Liangliang joked,“Although some employees were unable to go home during the Spring Festival,M88 gameBut everyone is united,Not only no complaints,On the contrary, work becomes more active。”

During tunnel excavation of 213109,The floor of the tunnel is broken、There are cracks in the roof and water leakage and other harsh geological conditions,Chang Liangliang leads the cadres and workers of the continuous mining team to work hard,Using "continuous mining machine + shuttle car + double-arm anchor drill + crawler crusher" fast excavation system,Overcome difficulties,Breaking through barriers one by one。

End of March,The continuous mining team only took 13 days,Not only successfully completed the comprehensive and accurate penetration of the 213109 cut-hole and half coal and rock excavation project,And broke the original excavation record,Achieved a butterfly change in mine excavation speed。

“The continuous mining team can achieve such results,Inseparable from Captain Chang’s ‘sitting in command’,We lead by example、Like the courageous captain。"This is the common aspiration of the cadres and workers of the continuous mining team。


Let employees become “owners”

“The swing cylinder of the continuous mining machine needs to be tightened、Lack of antifreeze in shuttle car、There is a problem with the four-arm bolt machine...”

Work group、On handover form,You can see questions about production safety raised by team workers at any time,The maintenance team prepares materials in advance according to each problem,Enter the well at any time to maintain faulty equipment。

"past,The workers in the maintenance team will first check the damage to the equipment after entering the well,Then fix it。This not only wastes time,It will also affect work efficiency。” Chang Liangliang said,“Compared to employees on duty,No one knows the equipment better than them,So,Now we implement the equipment responsibility system for each employee,This way,Greatly reduced equipment failure rate。”

Chang Liangliang often stands from the perspective of employees,Think about the shortcomings and flaws in management,Continuously explore and advance in work。

Early this year,At the staff M88 loginmeeting of the continuous mining team,A series of reasonable suggestions put forward by employee representatives,The district team revised and improved more than 10 management systems including the "2022 Points Management Measures",Let employees "bathe" in the system,Give full play to subjective initiative,Continuously help management level rise。

Under the leadership of Chang Liangliang,Employee family members group、Various business groups such as the hidden danger investigation group are established one by one。Whenever an employee works overtime for emergency repair tasks,Photos of employees working on-site will be sent to the family group,Let employees’ families feel at ease。

Every little thing、Every detail,Chang Liangliang will try his best to be comprehensive,He devotes his whole body and soul to his work,It also made the entire continuous mining team work together,Always charge ahead,Promote production safety performance to increase steadily。(Author: Ai Feng  Editor: Wang Yu)